Below is a video eulogy in memoriam of the corporate goliath. May he rest in peace.
Get this video and more at MySpace.comOBITUARY:Model Cooperation Corporation employee, Kenneth Lay died this week when a very special episode of Gilmore Girls induced a massive coronary. Ken Lay was 64 and wrongly sentenced to spend his next 128 years in jail. Upon release in 2134, he would have been 192 years old (1,344 in dog years).After a depressing childhood cutting grass and delivering papers to the inbreds of Tyrone, Missouri, K-Dawg eventually became the Marie Antoinette of Texas, spending bazillions of Enron dollars on an effete army of Mexicans and a diamond-encrusted African baby.Though we were forced to overlook Mr. Lay for Energy Secretary (global warming is just a theory, asshole, like evolution) and Secretary of Treasury (you ended up convicted and bankrupt??! Idiot!!!), he and Bush were best friends; Hell, they were practically fucking "Put it in my gas-hole, you oiled up gunslinger! YEE- HAW!!"Many Enron employees bankrupted by Ken's advice to "buy the fuck out of Enron stock now that it's indestructible" see Mr. Lay's premature death as inherently unfair because they wanted to kill him. It is a sad state when the investor stupidity and government negligence are blamed solely on one man.Ken Lay died as a martyr to the capitalist crusade. Moreso than Jesus, he selflessly gave his impoverished victims a powerful lesson in humility and suffering. May his influence guide us in uncertain tax seasons and may we too cash it all in just before the ship sinks.In his name... cha-ching!