Balducci est 1984 profile picture

Balducci est 1984

I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

ask and you shall recieve.

Which Military Branch Do You Belong In? (pics)

Marines You are a gun-ho Marine! You are willing to do everyone's dirty work (with the help of the Navy.) and you are willing to risk your life for your country in the biggest way!

QuizzesMySpace Layouts - myspace layouts

My Interests

you, sunshine,rainy days, cold stares and broken love affairs, life, new beginnings, fresh laundry, heineken, high life, success, jack n' cokes, bbq on a hot day, staring at the ceiling, trying to make a million, music,chics in camo, laughing, sometimes getting angry is fun(that's 4 u), pushing buttons both real and mental, chics with pig tails,knowledge, the lights, the sound, new and old friends, concerts and live shows, roots, swimming, art, history, really hard word problems or any word problem fuck that... greez E foods on a drunkin' night(or morning), karma, brand new socks are always good, road trips, chics with pig tails and in camo,comedy, tragedy, pans are cool, paychecks you can't go wrong with that, motivation, persistance, pranks, jokes, really anything that'll make ya smile, hookers, illicit drugs, sex, and violence

I'd like to meet:

You Are Beer!
You don't need to get totally wasted when you hit the bars.
More of a social drinker, you just like to have fun with your friends.
And as long as the beer keeps flowing, you're a happy camper.
But don't mix things up: "Beer Before Liquor, Never Been Sicker!" What Alcoholic Drink Are You?
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all sorts i have an eclectic taste. underground hip hop, rock, metal, old country, motown, jazz, whatever is good to me.
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horror all the way


don't mind if i do


lord of the flies, in cold blood, walden, civil disobedience, and anything by elmore leonard
How to make a balducci
3 parts competetiveness
1 part humour
3 parts energy
Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Add a little sadness if desired!

Personality cocktail


the flying dutchman and the hamburgerlar PimpMySpace

My Blog

stories from PISC MCRD

well it was along time coming but it's finally arrived. back from boot camp and unfortunately "i didn't make the cut" as drill instructor sgt chaidez put it. i've met a lot of interesting people to sa...
Posted by Balducci est 1984 on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 11:13:00 PST

things going right for a change

well i never thought i'd be here in this situation. but i'm glad i am. it's been all uphill and it's gonna continue to be. but hey if it was a breeze then what's the fun in that. i'm gonna give everyb...
Posted by Balducci est 1984 on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 11:26:00 PST


And what of comfort? Comfort is an illusion. A false sense of security bred from familiar things and familiar ways. It narrows the mind, weakens the body and robs the soul of spirit and determination....
Posted by Balducci est 1984 on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 01:05:00 PST

wow i fucked up.....again

well i fell off the wagon again. i was doing so good, then i dunno, i fell off. you'd figure that after losing just about everything and everyone that cared for me, i'd learn my lesson. i guess puttin...
Posted by Balducci est 1984 on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 12:10:00 PST

time to get a move on

well i've made up my mind, i'm gonna join some branch of the armed forces. i know some people out there think i have a death wish for doing this. but it's time for me to get in gear and be something. ...
Posted by Balducci est 1984 on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 10:15:00 PST