My girlfriend, flying, soccer, and sailing.
I'm cool with who I have right now, but if you're cool too, go ahead and introduce yourself.
Pretty much anything has the time when it sounds good.
All the Matrix Series, Snatch, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, The Usual Suspects, Gladiator, and Muppet Treasure Island.
StarGate SG-1, StarGate Atlantis, and The West Wing.
Harry Potter, Starship Troopers, Beowolf, Grendel
While there are many people in this world who deserve to be called heroes, I can't really think of one who truly lives up to what I'd like to be. There are lots of people who have saved me, so don't feel overlooked, but it seems like a hero for me is someone who I want to be like. I want to be myself, I'll take bits and pieces that I like from everyone until I'm satisfied.