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~*~Dance as if no one is watching~*~

About Me

? whateverlife.com
*The New and Improved Ultimate About Me*:
Name: Danielle or Dani
Date of Birth: May 15, 1986
Birthplace: IL
Current Location: IL
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: light brown
Height: 5ft 6in.
Heritage: POLISH!!!
Piercings: 5
Tattoos: 4 and counting...
Band/Singer: way too many to name!
Song: again, way to many, it depends on my mood!
Movie: anything funny, romantic, will make me cry. Anything really but scary ones!
Disney Movie: Beauty and the Beast
TV show: I have so many, I never really used to watch tv now I watch it ALL the time. CSI, Greys, Samantha Who, Private Practice, Brothers & Sisters, Desperate Housewives, NFL Sunday and more!
Color: I don't think I have a favorite, I think maybe I just prefer bright colors such a pink and orange, i like red also.
Food: hmmm lots!
Pizza topping: bbq sauce intead of red sauce and pepperoni and green peppers
Ice-Cream Flavor: chocolate and peanut butter
Drink (alcoholic): malibu and pineapple
Soda: pepsi
Store: dollar tree
Clothing Brand: whatever is on sale!
Shoe Brand: whatever is on sale.
Season: I have my likes and dislikes about all of them.
Month: May and December... but they are also sad b/c of finals and people graduating!!!
Holiday/Festival: Christmas even though I am not into religion, I like the feeling of the holiday if that makes any sense!
Flower: daisy and danielle orchid.... call me narsisstic but it is a gorgeous hybrid flower!
Make-Up Item: eye-liner, mascera and chapstick
Board game: life
This or That
Sunny or rainy: both have their benefits!
Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate mostly except I like white cake better, I am not sure if white cake is vanilla but it is good!
Fruit or veggie: fruit!
Night or day: night
Sour or sweet: sweet
Love or money: love
Phone or in person: in person!!! I HATE the phone!
Looks or personality: personality
Coffee or tea: coffee
Hot or cold: hot
Goal for this year: be happy and try my best at everything!
Most missed memory: all of this summer was phenominal!
Best physical feature: my eyes and boobs
First thought waking up: hmmm can i squeeze in a couple extra minutes of sleep and then do the math in my head!
Hypothetical personality disorder: ummm not really sure!
Preferred type of plastic surgery: liposuction or getting my eyes lasered and after I have kids I want that netting for my boobs so they don't sag!
Sesame street alter ego: depends on my mood either oscar or elmo!
Fairytale alter ego: haha... my life is nothing compared to a fairytale!
Most stupid remark: lol
Worst crime: I speed
Greatest ambition: to find the love of my life, have a great job and be happy
Greatest fear: being alone for the rest of my life
Darkest secret: well it wouldn't be my darkest secret if I shared it now would it?!?!
Favorite subject: FCS, psych, history and womens studies
Strangest received gift: hmmmm... I am sure it was from people I babysit for. Oh yeah one little boy I used to babysit for became a sox fan for me for my b-day... I just couldn't tell his dad!
Worst habit: many but worst would be that I talk too much I think and I am very opinionated in certain subjects.
Do You:
Smoke: no
Drink: yes
Curse: hell yes
Shower daily: no
Like thunderstorms: LOVE THEM!
Dance in the rain: yes I have a couple times
Sing: not well but I do.
Play an instrument: yes, drums and guitar
Get along with your parents: for the most part
Wish on stars: yes
Believe in fate: yes
Believe in love at first sight: no... lust.
Can You:
Drive: yes
Sew: yes
Cook: yes and very well might I add!
Speak another language: a couple of words in spanish but not even close enough to carry a convo.
Dance: yes
Sing: not well but physically yes
Touch your nose with your tongue: yes
Whistle: yes
Curl your tongue: yes, man I am talented! :)
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: haha, yes.
Been Stoned/High: no
Eaten Sushi: no
Been in Love: yes :(
Skipped school: yes
Made prank calls: yes, lol, fun times fun times!
Sent someone a love letter: yes... many
Stolen something: when I was 5 I stole a mothers day card for my mom b/c I didn't know you had to pay for the ones you printed out.
Cried yourself to sleep: yes a many a times.
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? haha, this list could go on and on...
Are you right or left handed? right but I can write with my left it just isn't as pretty
What is your bedtime? usually around 4 am
Name three things you can't live without: my computer and all that entails (internet), my loved ones, MUSIC!
What is the color of your room? boring white but at home it is pink!
Do you have any siblings? yes, I have 2 sisters and a brother then I have 2 stepsisters and a step brother.
Do you have any pets? no :( unless you count the dogs at my dads house but I only see them about 2 or 3 times a year.
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? yes, well maybe, but the person I have in mind then yes.
What is you middle name? Brianne
What are you nicknames? Dani, DaniBri, BriBri, Dazz, Vixen and VoomVoom
Are you for or against gay marriage? for it
What are your thoughts ..ion? HATE it; it should be illegal except for certain instances.
Do you have a crush on anyone? yes... : /
Are you afraid of the dark? I wouldn't say I am afraid of the dark but I am afraid of what could happen in the dark
How do you want to die? in my sleep or having sex
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? hmmmm I think 4
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? yes
What is the last law you’ve broken? I was speeding
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: I usually go for the tall DARK and handsome type!
Eye color: doesn't matter, but if it contrasts the hair color I think it is hott!
Height taller than me
Weight heavier than me
Most important physical feature: hmmm physical feature... smile
Biggest turn-off CHEW, unreliable, dishonesty
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My Blog

ricky <3

So life is going pretty good lately. School is super busy. I was inducted into the FCS Honors Society last week. I was really sick again this past week and my computer got a virus and i had to format ...
Posted by Dani on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 12:52:00 PST

life... crazy but awesome

Well life has been nothing short of crazy. But I guess that’s life and I am ok with it. We all have to go through shit to become the person we are supposed to be. It was awesome seeing my family...
Posted by Dani on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 10:53:00 PST

we can’t make it past march...

So much has changed since my last blog! So much, I dont even know where to start. I guess I will start by saying how much I absolutely love my friends! They are simply amazing!!! They make me so happy...
Posted by Dani on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 12:14:00 PST

bad day again

I am slipping into a depression again and I am trying so hard to fight it but I can't. I don't know what to do anymore. It's been so long since I've felt this way. But the last month or so I am having...
Posted by Dani on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 06:17:00 PST

I can’t handle all of this.

So... there has been so much going on and I can't even talk about 80% of it! And I hate that because some of the people I really really want/need to talk to about it I can't. Life has been so crazy. o...
Posted by Dani on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 11:37:00 PST

Every Other Memory

I thought I had it beat, I thought I was curedI didn't feel the need for you anymoreI had an iron will so I dropped my guardThen I found I still had you in my heartI gave up, I tried my bestIt's time ...
Posted by Dani on Sat, 29 Dec 2007 12:45:00 PST


I found this online and I couldn't help but want to put it on here. This is someones secret and it's like she took the words out of my mouth! This is almost exactly to a T how I am!!! You can read it ...
Posted by Dani on Thu, 27 Dec 2007 03:52:00 PST

visit to the ER, PS I Love You, Merry Christmas

I must have been a really good girl this year because I got everything I wanted besides jeans! It was a great Christmas besides the fact that I was not feeling well still but I got the best presents! ...
Posted by Dani on Wed, 26 Dec 2007 12:37:00 PST

Booboo has a girlfriend and that made my day better!

Ok so I was having a REALLY bad day but then I just found out that my baby bro has his first real girlfriend!!! YAY! I feel old... my baby bro has a girlfriend! Man it is going to take a while to set ...
Posted by Dani on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 01:55:00 PST

my favorite story summed up: he and i.

so this weekend was fun!!! the boys had a champagne party on friday and we drank that and sangria. not my choice of drink but it was fun all the same. so right when I got to dan and jeffs house ken, d...
Posted by Dani on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 03:37:00 PST