Have collaborated with: Group T.R.O., Berlin: http://www.factory-berlin.de • Oleg Ikona: http://www.ikona.vze.com • Selected exhibitions: "Prospero's Library" travelling group exhibition, Russia, Itlay, UK, 2007-2008. "Art Dialogues" St.Petersburg, Russia http://www.artdialogues.narod.ru/2003/jessica-kolokol.htm • "Festival of Experimental and Performance Art" St. Petersburg, Russia http://www.performart.narod.ru/2004/kolokol.htm • "Slavic Spirit" Berlin, Germany http://www.streifler.de/slawische-seele--2826.11.2004-29_68. html • Graphic Design/Book Cover Art: First Intensity Magazine issues 16, 20, 21, Robert Kelly's "Threads," John Olsen's "Oxbow Kazoo," Richard Rathwell's "Re:The Dead Arts"
My sound pieces (for both installation and video) are a melange of incidental noises, guitar, voices (both my own and sampled bits from radio or film) and electronic rythms. The pieces are not songs per se, but soundtracks. For the most part I don't plan the pieces, rather they construct themselves through a process of coincidental layering.
My video pieces so far are best described as "moving pictures." I begin with photographic images, digitally layered to create a series of still frames that once edited morph into a continuing visual evolution. I had the idea for this process while painting. When creating a painting there is much standing back, thinking about the next stroke, imagining what would happen if the brush cut in here or there, if a certain hue was then mixed in and so on. I could practically imagine the picture painting itself in my mind. I thought about documenting the process, stroke by stroke of the evolution of a painting. As of yet I haven't actually done this, but instead worked with my photographs in a similar way. Each video piece contains dozens of still frames transitioning one into the other to create the final result. It somehow feels close to stop-motion filming. .. "Études/Studies No.1" "Glass"
You can find my video work at http://www.youtube.com/jkolokol
I have been working with First Intensity Press since 2005. As well as having some of my work on the cover of First Intensity Magazine, I have also created cover art specifically for several books of poetry. I really enjoy this process, as the cover ideas are developed from the intimate contact with, sensitivity to and complete passion that F.I.'s editor, Lee Chapman has for the work she publishes. I usually take cues from her and riff off these ideas ( incorporating any dialogue with the authors) to create the cover design/artwork.