Fantasy Art, Sci-Fi Art, Science, Digital Art, Nature, Jazz Fusion, Writing Music, Movies with great, cutting-edge special effects, Biotecture, Wild Edible Plants, Wilderness Survival, Conspiracy Theories, Unexplained Phenomena, Ironic Humor, Life Extension, Lucid Dreaming, Evolution (stellar, planetary, animal and human), Faces, Tribal art and tribal ingenuity, technological advances, ancient archeology.
Me, mostly
... then I listen to House, on Pandora (mostly my St Germain and Tosca Stations), and Miles Davis, Chick Corea, Wayne Shorter, Weather Report, Jaco Pastorius, Tosca, Baby Mammoth, Jazz, Jazz Fusion, Ambient, Some Electronica, Blues, Bluegrass, Anything Weird and complex without words, unless it's a different language I can't understand, cuz words make music suck.... (who wants to be told the same s#*t every time you hear a song) ...and preferably music with a good, funky beat.
Quest for Fire, Instinct, The Edge, All Sci-Fi/Fantasy or Horror with great effects, LOTR, Spiderman I & II, Xmen, X2, Hulk, Daredevil, Batman:The Beginning, FF was good. any M Night Shyamalan movie. Got Pan's Labyrinth qued on Netflix.... thinkin' that'll rock.
I don't get the major networks cuz I live in a hilly area and use DirecTV, and they charge extra, and I never saw anything on there worth money. I don't trust TV for news. They don't put anything on there that doesn't make someone somewhere *money*. So I take everything that's on there with a BIG FAT grain of salt. Especially Fox News, cuz they have an underhanded way of forcing their opinion on the weak-minded. ( Watch This Video and you'll understand what I meane). But it does give me a clue as to what the corporate-run media controlling govenment wants us to think. Naked Science, Frazier, The First 48, Cops (reminds me of what I'm NOT missing in the city!), The Daily Show (that's where I get my news), The SciFi Channel, used to watch Buffy and Angel when they were on....great writing for the genre! The Closer is great, and of course, all the educational stuff.
LOTR, Dragons of Eden and Broca's Brain (Carl Sagan), A brief History in Time (Stephen Hawking), Back to Eden (Jethro Kloss), Earthship I, II and III (Michael Reynolds), The Straw Bale House, Silent Spring (Rachel Carson), Diet for a Small Planet (Frances Moore Lappe), The Jungle (Upton Sinclair), Stalking the Wild Asparagus (Eulle Gibbons), Field Guide to Edible Wild Plants (Bradford Angier)
Spock, Stephen Hawking, Daredevil, Michael Reynolds, Euell Gibbons