Winter walkes! Metal music, anything weird and wonderfull, getting drunk and talking complete crap with people!(it is fun!) laughing till I cant breath! pay-day(so I can have money) days off work, so I can go shopping or go cinima, pubbing, clubbing, restraunt, gigs, concerts etc! Holidays(spain, turkey, australia,florida) theres a few places I have been and love. Radio 6(coz it kicks a$$) The Internet, cooking, my bedroom. flowers and beautiful art! -----Syntnovator -----Syntnovator
Morrissey, James Hetfield, Homer Simpson, russel brand, Rick Male
50 cent,Acdc,Adam F,Adema X X
Dumb and Dumber, liar liar, Happy Gilmore, Terminator, 1,2 and 3. Catch me if you can, Shawshank Redemption. family guy(The movie) Jackass(The movie) Dirty Sanchez(The movie) Batman, S S
Dirty Sanchez, Jackass, punkd, Kerrang, MTV2, Kick A$$ documentarys, S S
Morrissey, Pritchard, Rick Male, Russel Brand,Synthetic and Jeet of course! Synthetic and Jeet of course!