se sojas profile picture

se sojas

.. this biaatches! jeeehaa!

About Me

wicked, weird, artistic, creative, sleepy, full of chocolate, feeling the beat, always dancing, lovin' FLEX&ARENA, sometimes out of order, crazy, adorable, relaxed, different, real, addicted to: goooood music, Nightlife and dancing, goooood beer, goood DRUM'N'BASS, peach&apricot-sparkling wine, apricot cake, olives, pasta, chocolate, France, nightlife, art, pizza, sunny days, paaaarty, journeys, InterRail, our friends, photography, painting, loafing, gluttony, aaaaand everything that keeps us alive;)
yeeeaaah!! neeeews:
--- BONTEMPI named one of their songs after us!!!!! -
it's the song called 'SE SOJAS', of course;)
Samstag, 21.10.06 - ITF Europe Finals @ ARENA (workin')
Samstag, 28.10.06 - DK HalloweenParty @ Digital Konfusion Mixshop
Samstag, 28.10.06 - Proceed @ FLEX
Montag, 30.10 - Dub Club @ FLEX
Donnerstag, 2.11.06 - Beat it @ FLEX
Samstag, 4.11.06 - Rootless @ Escape & Mainframe @ ARENA
Samstag, 14.11.06 - MyspaceGetTogether @ Club Berlin
Samstag, 18.11.06 - UAF Mainframe @ ARENA
Samstag, 25.11.06 - Urban Art Forms @ FLEX
Samstag, 02.12.06 - Mainframe @ ARENA
Donnerstag, 07.12.06 - Beat it @ FLEX
Freitag, 08.12.06 - JStar @ Café Leopold
Donnerstag, 14.12.06 - Beat it @ FLEX
Montag, 05.02.07 - Dub Club @ FLEX

My Interests

arts, dancing, chilling, gluttony, loafing, nightlife, music, travelling (inter-raaaail;))..

I'd like to meet:

our Schubsi again:))



music to mooove
break beats
brasilian and african rhythms
...and all other kinds of beats and rhythms yeaaah


our beloved schubsi, se funky banana, se freaky broccoli and "c'est fraise?"...