The VERY FIRST _ATTENTION ZUCCHINI_ was grown in a garden in the suburbs of Philadelphia. Then, and in a small family setting, the _ATTENTION ZUCCHINI_ was used to capture the audience's interest and make sure what was being said was heard.
Now, and many years later, the _ATTENTION ZUCCHINI_ can be found in the middle of Mediterranean, on the European Mainland, in the United States of America –and– slowly but surely throughout the world.
The _ATTENTION ZUCCHINI_ has been associated with small college gatherings and shined on stage in front of thousands, hosted visiting dignitaries and royalty in addition to welcoming celebrities and highly established artists. In bread, in casseroles, added into salads, pastas, with fish or chicken ... the _ATTENTION ZUCCHINI_ always fits, one just has to know HOW.
Representation doesn't come freely or easily, however if you have a noun (Did you listen to your 6th grade English teacher?) : PEOPLE, PLACE & THINGS – there are no impossible possibilities (Double-negatives used deliberately & creatively)
As an INSPIRATION AGENCY, _ATTENTION ZUCCHINI_ assists and consults creatively, using today's technology (And tomorrow's next inventions) to help you achieve not only your goals but realize your dreams.
Feel inspired? Not yet? We'll get you there shortly. -Dave Rader