LAUGHING!! DANCING!!! throughing stuff...ponies, dogs, cats, etc...animal lovers, music, art but not art fags ;) ,tattoos, sneakers I love sneakers!!!, i pee in pools...camoflauge, dancing around in my skivvies, break dancers, pink, being bad ass with my crew (cuz i am not so ass bad without them), ...GILBERT GODFREY...making fun of people, dancing, giving dirty sanchezs in public, people who can take a joke, playing tune in tokyo, sarcasm, other stuff...simple things,WAIT...........WHAT? making people laugh, laughing, laughing at my own jokes only because I can't stop laughing to finish a story...being outside, the fall, the summer, lowrider bikes, '89 gmc jimmys, pick up trucks with bench seats...anything ridiculous...speaking in opposites, getting my hair and nails did...holla
G-R-A-V-E-D-I-G-G-A-Z! NIGGAZ SIX FEET DEEP...::alright now we know I have totally lost my mind::
a tribe called quest, the roots, DAS EFX, snoop, 2pac, kid dynamite, nofx, afi, hole, nirvana, johnny thunders, kelis, the neptunes, the norman bates song, snatch soundtrack, warren g, nate dogg, nas, k-os, selling england by the pound, fisherspooner, the beatles, the kinks, anything death row, common (sense), saltnpepa, the fugees,mike patton projects etc...david lee roth, lauren hill, aff,poison the well1st 2nd cds,gold chains(ac music),alien ant farm,no doubt, save ferris, BUSTA RHYMES,dillingerescapeplan, gnarls barkley, lupe fiasco, hot lunch, bwog(in theory), MIA, squeeze...and some other crap and FORIEGN ORANGE!!!! GOGOL BORDELLO (probably the best live show I have seen in long time!!!fucking awesome)...more and more.....
I love a good story of FREE WILL AND FRIENDSHIP
SCRUBS (it gives me a little hope in this world) and Music Videos all day long!
Don't JUMP!!
my little BRO