[EMO]Ezael profile picture


Creator of my own little world

About Me

Me, eh? Ok then. I LOVE tea (no,really, I LOVE the stuff). I also pretty much despise real life and much prefer fictional universes. The darker, creepier and more disturbed the better (think Silent Hill). Currently, my favourite is the World of Warcraft, Azeroth. It's not too dark, creepy or disturbed, but I love it like tea nonetheless. I permanently build upon my own little world that has been growing in my mind for as long as my memory reaches, and most of my reality-escaping (gaming for the most part) I make a part of this imaginary world with all of its unique characters. Currently, Ezael (my WoW "main") is the most important of these. But hey, now for something completely different. I love coke probably as much as I love tea. I am not talking about that pathetic excuse for a drug, but about good ol' American Coca Cola. I drink more coke than water. Another kind of flight from the boring real world I enjoy is watching movies. I love splatter movies, horror movies, comedies, action movies, fighter movies and adventure movies. I also really like the friends I have, they keep me going through the boredom. I forgot to mention that I am extremely energetic and easily bored. That is more or less why I hate school. Hard. Which again is probably why I suck at school. I used to be really good though, but these days I struggle. I now have a job. My job is to be a role model for and look after the students at my local high school. It's instead of going into the army. It's ok.Tere's a bit of me for you.

My Interests

The majority of my time is spent playing World of Warcraft (yeah). Most of the time I spend away from that wonderfully addictive game not spent doing duties like work I spend shooting people with laser guns (lol)or dressing up in medieval clothing and fighting with axes and swords. I also take great interest in: Movies, Roleplaying games, Music (good music), and fighting / watching fighting sports.

I'd like to meet:

Bruce Lee, Chris Metzen and the girl of my dreams. Not necessarily in that order.


Black Sabbath, Metallica, Slipknot, Prodidgy, Lady Sovereign, Nirvana, Rammstein, Rob Zombie, CKY, Satyricon, System of a Down, My Midnight Creeps, Foo Fighters, Queens of the Stone Age, The Doors, Johnny Cash, Tom Waits, Bob Dylan, Madrugada, Missy Elliot, Mark Steiner, Sepultura, Hatebreed, Johnny Cash, Red Hot Chillipeppers, RZA / Bobby Digital


Big Boss - Fists of Fury - Enter the Dragon - Way of the Dragon - Game of Death - Friday the 13th - Friday the 13th 2 - Friday the 13th 3 - Friday the 13th 4 - Friday the 13th 5 - Friday the 13th 6 - Friday the 13th 7 - Friday the 13th 8 - Friday the 13th 9 - Friday the 13th X - Freddy vs. Jason - Nightmare on Elm Street - Nightmare on Elm Street 2 - Nightmare on Elm Street 3 - Nightmare on Elm Street 4 - Nightmare on Elm Street 5 - Ghost Dog - Hero - Sin City - Donnie Darko - House of Flying Daggers - House of 1000 corpses - Elephant - The Descent - Cabin Fever - The Good, the bad and the Ugly - The Gladiator - The Crow - Labyrinth - Star Wars episode 1 - Star Wars episode 2 - Star Wars episode 3 - Star Wars episode 4 - Star Wars episode 5 - Star Wars episode 6 - The Elephant Man - Cannibal Holocaust - Pulp Fiction - Scarface - Jackass 1 - Jackass 2 - Ong Bak - Hellraiser - Hellraiser 2 - Hellraiser 3 - Hellraiser 4 - Troy - Zatoichi - Kill Bill - Kill Bill 2 - Final Fantasy Advent Children - Edward Scissorhands - The Nightmare Before Christmas -Warrior King


I hate television in general, yet there are tons of series I love. Here's a few:The Simpsons, Family Guy, Rome, Carnivale, Deadwood, Twin Peaks, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Futurama, Shameless, Little Britain


I do not read much, but I love H.P. Lovecraft's writing, and I did enjoy the series about Gotrek Gurnisson and Felix Jaeger by William King. And I like reading articles about roleplaying, and rulebooks for pen and paper roleplaying. I also like movie and game reviews and random interesting articles.


Bruce Lee, Chris Metzen and the girl of my dreams.

My Blog

lawl sick movie zomg:D

Holy fucking shit this deserves its own blogg-thingy. I saw the sickest movie ever a few days ago - Cannibal Holocaust.   Duuuuuuude.
Posted by [EMO]Ezael on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 12:14:00 PST


I seriously suck at blogging :D
Posted by [EMO]Ezael on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 04:28:00 PST


I'm back to civilization. I am currently in London after a mere fortnight of WoW. Hanging out with Charlie and drinking Grace's tea. Life's good...
Posted by [EMO]Ezael on Sun, 23 Jul 2006 07:26:00 PST

It burns.

I have the worst sunburn ever. It hurts very much. Ouch. Oooh yeah that really stings.
Posted by [EMO]Ezael on Fri, 30 Jun 2006 01:24:00 PST


Stuck in Mallorca with me homie creeps... It's hot and I am covered in itching mosqitoe bites. However, listening to frantic music while chasing a frisbee like a dog, jumping off piers  and flirt...
Posted by [EMO]Ezael on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 03:15:00 PST


So here I am joining the throng of MySpace fans instead of studying for my final exams. Wise? No. Typical? Oooh yeah... Fun though. Still trying to figure out how I can bend and shape this space of mi...
Posted by [EMO]Ezael on Fri, 16 Jun 2006 08:59:00 PST