I woke up today with the realization that every dream I ever longed for has come true. I am feeling particularly blessed and happy. I have, however, read that one needs to always have goals. So I need to make some new ones. I have no idea what to ask God for without feeling like I'm being greedy. Maybe I need to work on the things about me that I don't appreciate. While I feel completely beautiful on the inside, I don't so much on the outside. Maybe my it's time to work on that. That's all there is to say about me...for now.
56 Random Questions:
1. What's your middle name? Y
2. Do you have, or have you ever had, braces? No but I always wanted them and probably should have gotten them.
3. What color is your hair? brown
4. How tall are you? 5-2
5. If you could change your name, what would you change it to? I have no idea.
6. What state do you live in? Cali
7. Favorite color? Red
8. Favorite song? Dazz
9. Favorite band/artist? No favorites
10. Favorite animal? Dog
11. Favorite movie? Gone With The Wind
12. Favorite store? LOL...right now it's Children's Place!!! But originally I'd say Louis Vuitton.
13. Favorite restaurant? Cafe Bizou
14. Favorite holiday? Thanksgiving!
[This or That]
15. Sun or Snow? Sun
16. Monopoly or Life? Life
17. Silver or Gold? Silver or White Gold
18. Spring or Fall? Spring and Fall
19. Surfing or Skiing? Neither.
20. Comedy or Horror movies? Comedy. I hate being scared.
21. Root Beer or Dr. Pepper? Root Beer....eww I hate Dr. Pepp.
22. Dog or Cat? Dog
23. Car or Truck? Car
24. Roller or Ice Skating? Can't do either.
25. What's the most recent movie you've seen in theaters? LMAO! It's been a WHILE! Bridget Jones Diary 2.
26. How many times a month do you go to the movies? zero
27. Have you seen Titanic? yep
28. Do you like Tom Cruise movies? not usually
29. Do you like romantic comedies? yes
30. You've seen Napoleon Dynamite haven't you? yea
31. Who was the last person you watched a movie with? DH
32. Do you eat cheeseburgers? I love cheeseburgers.
33. Have you ever eaten Spam? not that I'm aware of.
34. Are you a vegetarian? heck no!
35. Sonic or McDonald's? I don't know what Sonic is so I guess Mc Donalds.
36. What do you usually get at Sonic? ?
37. How do you like your pizza? Pepperoni and Mushrooms OR Vegetarian
38. If you had to eat one type of food for a month straight, what would it be? Mexican
39. Do you prefer Chinese or Mexican? Mexican, but I do love Chinese too!
40. Do you like Kool-Aid? sure, if it's there.
41. What's your least favorite food? Corn anything.
42. Do you eat any green vegetables? All
43. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Lauren
44. Who was the last person you talked to on the computer? Dana
45. What was the last thing you ate? Pancakes
46. What was the last book you read? The wedding
47. What was your last job? Teacher
48. Who was the last person you said you loved? Jacob right now when I tucked him in.
49. Who are your best friends? Lauren, Caroline, Nidya, and Jen
50. Of all your friends, who has been your friend the longest? Paige and Linda
51. Newest? Jen
52. Funniest? Flo
53. Nicest? Caroline
54. Most honest? Lauren
55. Weirdest? None are weird
56. Which of your friends lives the farthest away? Toshiko in Japan
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