About Me
The beautiful ladies of DEAD ZERO!
WIN, Inmate, physically fit, stoic and quiet. Win is more about action than words. She's idealistic and has a strong opinion about right and wrong and all the shades of gray in-between. Win along with her "Triad" father (who is a Triad crime boss) was attacked in Chinatown, a martial expert, she killed all three attackers. Win was convicted of second-degree murder and is trying to do her time quietly and without any trouble.
NYOMI, Inmate, High Society, was married to a rich, abusive husband. She got fed up with the abuse and served her husband a nice salad topped off with peanut dust, which her husband was severely allergic to. He died soon after, Nyomi's diatribe is, I'm not suppose to be here, I'm from Bel Air and this shit is temporary, my attorney will be getting me out of here soon.
IVY, Inmate, sexy, soulless, she has no love for anyone or anything except her boyfriend Andre. Heidi, who was visiting Andre on holiday smuggled hash into the United States and was convicted of drug trafficking. The drugs actually belonged to Andre and she refused to turn him in when given the opportunity to cut a deal. Her best friend and partner in crime is Hernandez.
LADYBIRD, Inmate, slim, sleek, feline. Ladybird has served her time for aggravated assault when she was pulled over by the local authorities. During the stop Ladybird claims the police officers were belligerent and disrespectful. She insists that she was groped and fondled even though she was visibly pregnant. Ladybird used her vehicle to run the officer over. The officer died as a result from his injuries and Ladybird is serving time for Manslaughter, vehicular assault and resisting arrest. Her friends are Bang-Bang, Peanut and Sage.
ILIANA SANTIAGO DOMINIGUEZ, Inmate, Dominican, Santiago killed nine men across four states, preying on the wealthy and affluent after she wiped out their bank accountants and cut off their heads. Santiago is obsessed with a famous, pop singer that she imitates and quotes.
CODY, Inmate, trailer trash from middle America, a human firecracker with a bad disposition, no patience and a low tolerance for bullshit. Cody is doing time after being arrested repeatedly for driving under the influence and abusing drugs. The last time Cody was arrested driving, she was five months pregnant and her unborn child died as the result. Cody is serving three charges of vehicular homicide and manslaughter.
GOMEZ, Corrections Officer, statuesque, authority figure which everyone respects, deals with the inmates fairly, single, lives with and takes care of her sick father (Her mother passed away when she was very young.) and worries about him. Good hearted and fair in nature, very tolerant.
SAGE, Inmate, Mississippi native who fell into crime after she lost her job at a Walmart. Strapped for cash, Sage kept her keys when she was fired and opened the door one night at Walmart for her boyfriend Ray Ray and his crew. She was convicted of distributing stolen goods along with Ray Ray and his henchmen. Sage's best friend is Bang-Bang, Peanut and Ladybird.
PARRISH, Correction Officer, physically fit, a no nonsense type, stern, strict, no family, no boyfriend or significant other in her life. Parrish comes home to an empty house and a dog. A devout Christian, she spouts Biblical passages as she fights to keep order among the convicts.
WENDY, Inmate, an out-spoken environmental activist, Wendy is the voice of reason. She hides behind a wall of hair and glasses. During a protest against a large industrial manufacturer, an accident occured causing a raging fire where several employees were killed. Wendy stood trial for murder and received the lesser sentence of manslaughter.
HERNANDEZ, Cuban, cocky, tough, strong-willed and physical, Hernandez has a long of history of being in and out of jail since she was sixteen. Working the streets Hernandez created her own gang in East L.A. Recruiting others like herself, her ranks quickly swelled to over 200 women who would rob, shoot and kill for their leader. After a series of "hits" against rival gang members, Hernandez was arrested and sentenced to life in prison.
PEANUT, Inmate, comic relief and totally clueless. After high school Peanut's mother (who was a widow) remarried and started a new family, kicking Peanut out of the house. She found herself on the streets, homeless and prostituting her body for food and shelter. Peanut was jailed when she stabbed her abusive pimp, Small Change Willie to death.
AIMEE, tough, sarcastic, smart-ass with biting wit. Aimee arrived from the Midwest to the Los Angeles to be an actress, which went defunct. Forced to live on the streets she forged a living by slight of hand and being a fast thinker. Aimee has a natural McGuyver type talent to be able to jerry-rig almost anything to work.
SONIA, Inmate, sultry, unstable, a firecracker who was dubbed Queen of Assault by the local police. She has several pending assault cases against her. Sonia was sentenced to six months probation for gluing a boyfriends testicles to his leg, his penis to his stomach and his butt cheeks together. Sonia has a long history of abuse and a mental history that contributes to her volatile nature.
BANG-BANG, Inmate, tough, female gang-banger from the hood who made all the wrong decisions. Bang-Bang burned down a house with four rival gang-bangers in it. (They were killed) She claims that she didnt know they were in the house. Bang-Bang has a child (A little girl) that her grandmother provides for in her absence. Her best friend is Sage, Peanut and Ladybird.
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