My Blog
Men who relied upon themselves...
Greetings to all once again I wanted to do another blog dealing with Cain and Abel, one who relied upon God and was righteous and the other who relied upon himself and was unrighteous. A lot of people...
Posted by Baptized In The Water...9:30 p.m. May 25, 2008! on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 02:23:00 PST
The Holy Spirit Who Is He (Baptism pt 4)
Greetings and God bless to all my brothers and sisters out there. I have to say I'm excited to be dealing more with who the Holy Spirit is and I would ask that those who read get something out of this...
Posted by Baptized In The Water...9:30 p.m. May 25, 2008! on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 01:11:00 PST
Why do we stumble? What is hidden? Are you working ?
Why Lord am I continuing to stumble? That is a question a lot of people ask themselves and God. I ask the Lord that and I find out why we do. In the book of John chapter 11, we find Jesus Christ heari...
Posted by Baptized In The Water...9:30 p.m. May 25, 2008! on Mon, 19 May 2008 10:45:00 PST
The Holy Spirit Who Is He (Baptism pt 3)
Greetings to all my freinds and family out there. I've been real busy with school and my walk with the Lord and all I can just say is Thank YOU FATHER! It's a lot, but I know God is with me always. An...
Posted by Baptized In The Water...9:30 p.m. May 25, 2008! on Mon, 19 May 2008 09:58:00 PST
Let there be light....!!
Greetings! I decided to give a double dosage of blog postings with the baptism of the Holy Spirit and let there be light!! The Lord when he first made the earth as we come to see, there was no space, ...
Posted by Baptized In The Water...9:30 p.m. May 25, 2008! on Fri, 02 May 2008 09:03:00 PST
The Holy Spirit...Who Is He(pt.2) Baptism continuation
Greetings! Once again I want to say blessings to all who are reading this and rolling by to get fed on the messages I'm posting dealing with the Holy Spirit. As some may know the past blog dealt with ...
Posted by Baptized In The Water...9:30 p.m. May 25, 2008! on Fri, 02 May 2008 08:29:00 PST
To all my fans and supporters of my music....
I recently stopped by my snocap and saw that someone has purchased a single of mine that I've done as a song. Fam I want y'all to know I greatly appreciate those who know me personally especially...yo...
Posted by Baptized In The Water...9:30 p.m. May 25, 2008! on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 08:25:00 PST
The Holy Spirit...Who Is He(pt.2) BAPTISM
Greetings! Once again I would like to say God blesss to those who read upon this and have been praying and seeking God in everything. If you haven't read the anointing of the Holy Spirit in my first b...
Posted by Baptized In The Water...9:30 p.m. May 25, 2008! on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 05:58:00 PST
Greetings! There are some who don’t understand totally who the Holy Spirit is and haven’t gotten the full revelation of who the Holy Spirit is and what He entails through God to us as beli...
Posted by Baptized In The Water...9:30 p.m. May 25, 2008! on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 07:30:00 PST
Good evening myspacers(is that even a word...who cares I made it up), believers and nonbelievers, freinds, and family. I wanted to pose a question to all who may come along on this blog and that'...
Posted by Baptized In The Water...9:30 p.m. May 25, 2008! on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 10:14:00 PST