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David Bohm

About Me

I made this layout with the MySpace Editor of MyWackoSpace.com
There are few scientists of the twentieth century whose life's work has generated more excitement and controversy than that of physicist David Bohm. Exploring the philosophical implications both of physics and consciousness, Bohm's penchant for questioning scientific and social orthodoxy was the expression of a rare and maverick intelligence. His integral primary vision was what he called the 'implicate order'. This "order" was a propositional template for plotting the emergence and dynamics for both matter and consciousness. Hinted at by topical analogies such as the hologram, Bohm's vision of the implicate order posited a dynamic "structure process" from which our coordinate-based experience of three-dimentional space and time is but a dirivative, temporary projection. Withen that coordinate-based "explicate" order, we may have any number and variaty of experiences, yet never come to consider that the very coordinate frame for all those experiences is itself a projection, another experience arising from a deeper "implicate" order.Bohm repeatedly warned against assuming the final truth of any perspective, including his own. It was his view that, like the universe itself, no theory is ever complete. Each advance in knowledge may serve as a temporary resting point, but ultimately should function as a portal to yet further comprehension and insight.

My Blog

Reminiscence About David Bohm- From the Dalai Lama

David Bohm was a scientist well known for his work in quantum physics.  I met him on several occasions and my personal impression of him as a human being was that although he was a famous scienti...
Posted by on Fri, 16 Jun 2006 16:57:00 GMT