Lynn profile picture



About Me

Although I was not even gifted to draw a straight line with a ruler, I am hugely interested in Graphic design. My favourite designers include (in no particular order) Lefor-Openo, Raymond Savignac, Olle Eskell,Lance Wyman, Abram Games, Tom Eckersley and Hans Schleger (Zero), and more contemporarily, Kuntzel and Degas, Genevieve Gauckler, Manuel + Antoine, Nous Travaillons Ensembles, Pascal Colrat, and ostengruppe. Many of these names would suggest that I am also Francophile, and that would be true.I work in a museum and am trying to gain full-time work as a curator ofgraphics, illustration and poster design, and slowly (because my computer crashes every time I visit my page) I'm trying to make this space about all I like in graphic design and the world in general.

My Interests

Cat, he's a kitty cat!!


Lefor et Openo Antoine et Manuel KUNTZEL+DEYGAS noustravaillonsensemble