Here we go fellas. Don't take this beatdown personally.
week 1: Redskins 16 - Miami 13
week 2: Redskins 20 - Philly 12
It seems like every 30 days somebody steps up and shows the world that they're and idiot. This month it was Joe Biden . The senator from Delaware was asked about senator Barack Obama and made these unfortunate remarks:
"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."
Even if Biden was speaking of presidential candidates and didn't mean to call every other African-American inarticulate, dim-witted, dirty and ugly, this comment is moronic.
Political idiot.
Not to be outdone by rank amatuers, professional idiot Ann Coulter let her light shine in February. Her job is to make idiotic comments so her employers can gauge public reaction. She's held this position for awhile now, and she's gotten pretty good at it.
"I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate, John Edwards , but it turns out that you have to go into rehab if you use the word 'faggot'."
I have to believe she suffers from a culturally imposed superiority complex. Tim Hardaway and Isaiah Washington both had just caught hell for dropping the "f" bomb, but Ann didn't think she would face the same level of condemnation that a couple of black guys faced. Fortunately she did. Sponsors pulled their money and distanced theirselves from anything with her name on it. As a matter of fact, I haven't heard from her since. It's too bad. She's a big boost to the Democrats and their presidential aspirations.
Professional idiot.
Wow. This guy blew the idiot meter of the chart. The morning after the Rutgers women's basketball team lost in the NCAA championship game, CBS shock jock Don Imus called them "nappy-headed hoes" . Imus' syndicated radio show is simulcast on MSNBC. Well, it was. The cable network pulled the show. CBS later fired him . The Imus saga got more press than the entire women's tournament. Anyone remember who beat Rutgers to win the championship? Exactly.
Racist idiot
Coming in a close second is David Winton. This idiot thought it would be funny to drop the "n" bomb on Serena Williams during the Sony Ericcson Open in Florida. Winton said Serena was lazy and wouldn't run for balls so I guess he got mad and figured he could call her whatever he wanted. Serena handled the incident with grace. She had Winton tossed from the event and banned from future WTA matches. She then proceeded to win the tournament. Winton and his comments have sanitized for the mainstream. Some agencies have even sympathized with this racist, but ESPN was right there and called him and idiot when it happenned. The truth is out there. You just have to dig a little bit for it.
Real talk. Stop walking past people and ignoring them like they don't exist. Get to know people. Say "What's up". Ask'em how they're doing from time to time. Fo' real.
This man needs some help. First of all he decided to call himself the Pied Piper . Anybody know anything about the Pied Piper , the guy who stole all the children from a village that owed him money? This may not be the cat you want to identify yourself with when you're facing child pornagraphy charges.
Now Kells is reaching higher. He wants people to relate him to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. During an interview with Hip Hop Soul magazine , R Kelly says.
"I'm the Ali of today. I'm the Marvin Gaye of today. I'm the Bob Marley of today. I'm the Martin Luther King, or all the other greats that have come before us. And a lot of people are starting to realize that now."
Well I have to say that we have at least one thing in common. I admire Ali , Marvin Gaye , Bob Marley , and Dr King too, however R Kelly has done nothing that warrants mention in the same breath with these men. Maybe Michael Jackson , but not Martin Luther tha King .
Ambitious idiot
We have our first winner from D.C. Roy Pearson , an administrative law judge, sued a dry cleaner for $54,000,000 because they lost his pants. Included in the suit was $15,000 to cover the cost of a rental car to drive to another dry cleaners. Initially, the suit was for $67,000,000 but he thought maybe that was unreasonable(??). Who knows what this guy was thinking. He avoided interviews and refused to talk to the press .
Pearson represented himself during the trial so he could save some money. His case hinged on a sign posted at the cleaners that said satisfaction was guaranteed and another one that read "same-day service". All he really wanted was his pants, and since the cleaners failed to provide same-day service and had guaranteed satisfaction, he should win his claim. Here's a quote from his opening statement:
"Never before in recorded history have a group of defendants engaged in such misleading and unfair business practices."
We're talking about one pair of pants. A real judge tossed the suit . I hope he doesn't see this. He may try to sue me.
Litigious idiot
Honorable mention goes to CNN . Reportedly they gave a professional spoiled brat and attention whore $1,000,000 to make the Larry King Show her first stop after her release from prison. The drunk driving sex tape queen (you know who I'm talking about) talked to King for an hour and on the 28th CNN even began promoting the reruns of the interview. Can somebody tell me why this is a million dollar news story?
"Tired of underserved fame..." - Kindred .
There's something about being the child of a Vice President that should teach you discretion, but Al Gore III
is bucking tradition. It seems the the son of the enviornmentalist enjoys smoking earth at 100 miles an hour. Gore III was busted for possession pushing a Toyota Prius to triple digits (I didn't know they could go that fast. Must've been this one).
First off, no offense ladies but a Prius is a woman's car. I know your daddy is all about saving the planet but he was once the second most powerful man in the world. You can drive anything you want. There's a bunch of hybrids .
you could have bought. Why a Prius? Secondly, why are you doing 100 in a car that would flip over if it hit a pack of cigarettes at that speed? Must've been that ooohwee for real.
This isn't Gore III's first time getting busted either. This guy burns more bud than Bobby Brown. His daddy
can't lock him up somewhere or send him to Amsterdam where he can smoke all he wants
Half-baked Idiot
It's all about business and networking , whether you're in the industry or on the committee organizing the company Christmas party . Non-profits and charitible organizations too. Let's make it happen .
Hip hop ain't dead but it is underground .
Best wishes for a quick recovery to Marley Marl .
This has got to be the greatest video ever .
Method Man got beef. I ain't mad at him.
I own every Freddy movie and every Jason movie ever made, but I'm on the list of people who think " The Godfather " is the best movie ever made. Mike was a beast. Aint no tellin'what a man can do when it goes down.
P.T.I. and The Daily Show are hot, especially P.T.I., but The Boondocks is the funniest thing on t.v. right now. it's the best show since season 2 of Chappelle (season 3 was a rip-off).
Anything by Toni Morrison or Cornel West . Stuff that takes 3 or 4 reads to absorb.
Nat Turner was gangsta for real.