Daniel Castman profile picture

Daniel Castman

The Official

About Me

..Hi, and thanks for stopping by! I'm 33 years of age! Been playing since the age of 12. Through the years I've been in different bands..... Pop - Heavy rock..... I feel that it..s been good for my development as a guitarist and songwriter! Right now and since 2004 I PLAY GUITAR AND SING BACKUP VOCALS IN THE BAND VINDRA WERE I'M ALSO ONE OF THE MAIN SONGWRITERS. YOU CAN OF COURSE FIND US HERE, www.myspace.com/vindra OR AT www.vindra.se (under re-construction for the moment).... Had a pop-soloproject between 1999-2004. It started of with English lyrics but after a year or so I began writing in Swedish. I then wrote all music and lyrics, except for lyrical help in a few of the songs. ON THIS PAGE YOU WILL FIND instrumental stuff, and maiby it will pop up a tune with vocals, old or new, who knows ? ... anyhow, I hope you like it! "Night In May" & "Night In December" were both recorded in my homestudio in order: 2007, 2004 and they might need some polishing but, hey...it's only music :=) Profile & Vindra/gig & allmost every photo from 2008 by Mikael Syvajarvi ( www.growingart.se ) __The "old" Vindra band photo is taken by Emil Henestål __ For info about the other photos check them out in the albums or in the slides.

My Interests


Member Since: 6/15/2006
Band Website: vindra.se
Influences: Please help VINDRA in this competition, you can also download our song Reunification as a ringtone or the full version via this page/banner.JOE SATRIANI: My number 1 guitar influence, with a great ear for melody!The first contact with Satriani was when I purchased the LP "flying in blue dream", great record!! At that point I was in the age of 13 (I think), in the beginning of my career. In the summer, next year I watched him perform at Grona Lund in Stockholm/Sweden. Me and a friend stood for two hours before the show just to get the best places at the front. I even got hold of one off his picks (plectrums) witch he threw out from stage.......................... I will never forget that show!!!!!!!!!!Other influences I have is all the other stuff I listen to, and I love all kinds of music...... Here's some bands/artists that I like:Metallica (the best) Coldplay (beautiful) Keane (brilliant) Scorpions (classic ..... got all the old LP:s) U2 (great .... love edge's guitar style) George Mikael (the ballads) Deftones (melancholy and darkness) Bruce Springsteen (born to run) Sepultura (heavy) Def Leppard (still kicks ass .. wasted .. Sweden Rock Festival 2006 =) ) Slayer (mayhem) Black Sabbath (the birth of Heavy music) Kent (great Swedish band)Apart from that I think that one big influence is, L I F E .... the daily life with it's ups and downs.
Sounds Like: Video from MANNE GUITARS "Italian handmade guitars and basses" Manne guitars' shop tour

Lägg till i min Profil | Fler Videos..=Video from the VINDRA recording 2008
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Read about me : Swedish Newspaper 080424

You can find the artikel in my new album "artikels & more" under my pics. The artikel is taken from Östgötatidningen and the text is in Swedish. Thanks for checking it out :=) !!! ...
Posted by Daniel Castman on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 09:29:00 PST

New track posted 2008 03 18

The new track "Dream Maker" from 2008 is a collaboration between me and Rewind Evolution, also featuring the singer Efrat.   Rewind Evolution : all music (except guitars) Daniel Castman : gui...
Posted by Daniel Castman on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 11:21:00 PST

Presenting new endorser for VINDRA!

Hi everybody! A lot of things are happening at the moment, "Elixir Strings" is aiding VINDRA in our mission to conquer the world! :pElixir strings are really the best there is , so the band is very ha...
Posted by Daniel Castman on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 04:43:00 PST

I got an endorsement deal with MANNE GUITARS

..> ..> ! !  Wow ! !  Check this out my friends ! !  I have under Februari 2008 got an endorsement deal with MANNE GUITARS in Schio, Italy. They make beautiful handmade gu...
Posted by Daniel Castman on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 08:03:00 PST

VINDRA news 2008

Hi friends! Heres some info about my band..... if you have missed it :=) !!!! Just wanted to tel you that you now can listen to 5 new tracks with my band VINDRA taken from our lat...
Posted by Daniel Castman on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 06:25:00 PST