Dayton Class 91 profile picture

Dayton Class 91

I am here for Networking

About Me

Hello everyone, its Danielle C. here. Everytime i talk to someone from our graduating class, i hear......"what ever happened to our class reunion??" and we talk about how pathetic we are, that we never had one. And some have that puzzled look on their faces as they try to recall who the hell our class president was (Larry!!) and our VP (Jocelyn!!), who should have done this 5 years ago.... And then i hear the inevitable words...."Danielle, YOU should plan our reunion!!!", so here iit is! Gordon C. and Sandy E. have so graciously offered to help out, Thanks guys!We also created an email address designated for this purpose as well: [email protected] refer anyone you know from our class there too! and send me an email there, so that we can put you in my address book! With your help....WE CAN MAKE THIS HAPPEN!!!!

My Interests

MY INTERESTS NOW, AT THIS POINT IN TIME, LESS THAN 2 WEEKS AWAY FROM REUNION TIME ARE THIS: DAYTON MEMORABLIA!!!! anything! find it! go to yout attics, your parents attics, bowels of their basements, the waaaay back of the closets to find them. Dayton varisity jacket, varsity letter, awards or trophies or ribbons, sports jerseys, t-shirts, wrestling gear, the team football! but i really want you to bring PHOTOS, and lots of them. the ones w/ the big hair or the blonde hair or sitting on the Iroc, or camaro, the ones wearing the Metallica T, or the Z Chavarichis, dig them out, we want to see them!!!!

I'd like to meet:

Heres who is coming to the reunion and who we are all going to get to meet all over again!!! deo,larry cohn (our class prez), tommy cukier coming in from costa rica, marcie gornstein, laura greene driving in from virginia , Dr.Rachel haine, PhD (all the way from CA!), the comedian chuck d, Lori Gluck from NC, Tommy D father of 3 soon to be 4! , manu, lege, doreen lucyk, joe perez, nick lombardi (back from iraq!), justin petino, dante (who can forget dante!), Dr. Joe Pecora, joanne powell, michael servello, officer roche, melissa tortorello, steve matejek the new daddy, pete gittrich from NC, johnny z looking good as ever!, living bi-coastal movie producer jamie schutz,sean weinerman the wine expert!, newlywed sandra zotti, OJ McElroy , laura sexton, aspiring novelist gordon chukpo, new mom again sandy eng, And ME, Dani C, nurse by night, party planner by day.


We got a great deal from The Pros! The are being instructed to ONLY play music from "our time" which is hummm, about 1987 thru 1991 in HS. you think its gonna suck, but it will rock b/c for that one night on nov 24, we will be living in those years, yeah!!! so get ready to embarass yourself when you know all the words and get caught singing them!!!


I have to find the movie that me and JoePerez made for a class in spanish i think, we had to show how to make a meal from start to finish, so we went food shopping, and then cooked payaya (i didnt spell that right!) all on film! ive got to go find that tape!!! if you have any stupid tapes that you made just goofin around on n you know where to find it, bring it!!


GET OUT YOUR YEARBOOK!!!! bring your yearbooks!!!!!


MY heros are the alumni that when they said they would be there, are going be there!!! i love them heros, they are the best! My heros to zeros are the ones that said all along that they would be there, but then backed out w/ lame excuses just weeks before! And my SUPER duper just plain ZEROS are the ones that didnt have the courtesy to even RSVP at all!

My Blog


people keep asking "what should i wear?" well, GIRLS i say something doesnt have to be super formal, just a nice dress, or pants or skirt w/ a nice top, something youd wear out to a nice di...
Posted by Dayton Class 91 on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 12:31:00 PST


hey everyone who is coming to the reunion......we are call for all high school dayton memorabilia that you might have. dayton t-shirts, baseball caps, football jerseys, awards/varsity letters, trophie...
Posted by Dayton Class 91 on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 12:25:00 PST