Miss Molly profile picture

Miss Molly

Seal Head Flea Body

About Me

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You Are 62% Evil
You are very evil. And you're too evil to care.
Those who love you probably also fear you. A lot. How Evil Are You?
Your IQ Is 115
Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average
Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius
Your Mathematical Intelligence is Genius
Your General Knowledge is Average A Quick and Dirty IQ Test
Your Hawaiian Name is:
Akela Nalani What's your Hawaiian Name?
Your Daddy Is Johnny Depp
What You Call Him: Big Daddy
Why You Love Him: He's the Mack Daddy Who's Your Daddy?
You Are French Food
Snobby yet ubiquitous.
People act like they understand you more than they actually do. What Kind of Food Are You?
You Are An ENFJ
The Giver
You strive to maintain harmony in relationships, and usually succeed.
Articulate and enthusiastic, you are good at making personal connections.
Sometimes you idealize relationships too much - and end up being let down.
You find the most energy and comfort in social situations ... where you shine.
You would make a good writer, human resources director, or psychologist. What's Your Personality Type?
More cool stuff at YourCoolProfile.com!

My Interests

My Love, friends, family, animals, photography, reading, sex, sleep, food, laughing, dancing, talking, singing, camping, running, hiking, skiing, walking, cooking, art, and music. Oh and a slight addiction to celebrity tabloids

I'd like to meet:



Most things classical, some popular music, no country, nothing too hard, some classic rock, dancehall and roots reggae, and jazz, but Radiohead and Beethoven are my faves


dark humor, fantasy, sci-fi, historical, documentary, chick-flick, musical, and porn.


Medium, Sex and the City, Law and Order, Will and Grace, Daily Show, The Colbert Report, Family Guy, Simpsons and Most things on the Food Network and Discovery except for the motorcycle stuff, I can't stand how they yell at each other.


Tom Robbins Jitterbug Perfume, Mol Flanders, Pride and Prejudice, Dune, Orson Scott Card, Piers Anthony, Shakespare,The Queens Fool... why can't I think of anything right now, must be the wine... oh and any kind of trashy novel.


Hoodabi, Snapdad, Clouseau, and Moke

My Blog

who is that guy Mike?

I'm getting Married!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Mommy Fizzle-Bi on Mon, 19 Jun 2006 02:09:00 PST