I'm a GOOD boy with a BAD boy exterior; no wait I'm the other way around ... ah well .. you get to decide for yourself, hahaha. I love being around people that like to smile and laugh.
I hate DRAMA! Life is complicated enough isn't it?
Here is something to always keep in the back of your mind:
"How do you live your life when nobody is watching you?"
I'm an out-going, independent, smart, confident guy who is self-assured and knows what he wants in life. I'm a down-to-earth, caring person, and a loyal friend who is very easy to talk to.
"The glass is NEITHER half empty ... nor is it half FULL ... the glass just ain't the right size."
I like meeting new people and exploring new things. I'm down to kick it or just to kick back.
C Charming
H Hilarious
R Radiant
I Intelligent
S Skillful
" ... the TRUTH shall set you FREE"
"also ... remember that nothing is FREE in this world ..."
Your True Nature by llScorpiusll
The quality that most appeals to you: Sex Appeal
In a survival situation, you: Outsmart your attacker
Your hidden talent is: Pragmatism
Your gift is: Fearlessness
In groups, you: Don't fit in
Your best quality is: Your sensuality
Your weakness is: Your overweening arrogance
Quiz created with MemeGen !