bIg LeX On dUbS, dA wHiTe PePpEr EsUvEe...mY cAyEnNe...CaYeNnE PePeR...PoRsChE caYeNnE pEpPeR?...nM...tHrEe WhEeL RiDe WiT dA TiRe iN dA MiDdLe..DoNt KnOw WhAt DaT iS...?...T-rEx (wWw.Go-T-rEx.CoM), SHOPPING, SnOwBoArDiNg, JeTsKiInG, RoAd TrIpS, tRaVeLiNg, FiNe DiNiNg, OrAnGe MoChA fRaPpAcHiNo, ...Im VeRy ViSuAlLy sTiMuLaTeD, oH yEaH i LiKe MaTh, ThOsE aRe dA oNLy cLaSSeS i GoT "A's" iN, LoL.
WhO eVeR eNdS uP wItH dA mOsT tOyS WINS!!!!!
SoMeOnE jUsT aS mEnTaLLy CoMpLeX As UrS TrUeLy =)
n-E-1 dAt bRiNgS oUt Da BeSt iN mE...
HiP hOp, dance, house and da EiGhTy'S, 80's, i LoVe LoVe LoVe Da 80's, oH yEaH DiD i MeNtIoN dA eIgHtYs?
old skool, nacho libre, rOmEo MuSt DiE, wAtChInG fAnTaSiA wHiLe LiStEnInG tO pAuL oAkEnFoLd, MaTrIx, ZoOlAnDeR, aCe VeNtUrA pEt DeTeCtIvE, dUmB n DuMbEr, JaY n SiLeNt Bob.
south park, drawn together, will & grace, girls next door, chelsea lately, good eats, everday italian.
sometimes i like to chill at home and read a good book, like maxim, stuff or lowrider...
My family...
Twenty something years later...
My Cousins, Benny and Eric and I...
Twenty something years later im still the only one wearing the glasses LOL...