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Myspace Layouts at / Just beautiful
Myspace Layouts at / Just beautiful
Soccer is my life and has been for the past 20+ years... I love it with a passion. I like to play just about all sports and I'd rather play than to sit back and watch them most of the time. The new sport I'm playing now is professional tackle football as a running back for the DC Divas. Between work, my son, and football I must say I have a d@mn good life...busy, but I couldn't ask for better!!!Here are some pics of my team winning the 2006 World Championship!
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My match
A Good Survey, NOT the over used questions, you wil tell ur life story in this great for myspace!!!!
Name?: Okiima
Wish your name was?: Naboontu lol joking
Age?: 26
Wish your age?: 25
What color hair do you have?: brown
What color hair do you want?: anything but gray
what color eyes do you have?: brown
what color do you want?: hazel
I fyou could change one thing about your body what would it be?: my gut :) I'm working on it
If you could change one thing about yourself mentally what would it be?: nothing
If you could have one super power what would it be?: I'd be $uper MOney Woman... I'd make money appear out of nowhere
If you could live one fairy tale which one would it be?: Cinderella... now where is my prince charming?
Who would you sacrafice your life for?: Any of my family members especially my son
Who do you love the most?: My son
Is the saying true blood is thicker than water?: Technically yeah
If you could be with one person in the world who would it be?: Guess I haven't met him yet if I'm not with him now
If you could bring one person back who would it be?: My coach brooks so he can see what I've accomplished
If you could wish one person out of your life who would it be?: no one... everyone in my life serves some purpose one way or another
Who do you hate the most?: no one
Love the most?: didn't I answer this already
Miss the most?: don't know
Have the most fun with?: my crazy cousins
Would spend your life with?: can't disclose that info :P
Would spend your life without?: all those haters that I'm already spending it without
Who have you know the longest?: out of who...
Who is most like you?: hmmmm
Who is your opposite?: my best friend
Who looks most like you?: Rudy Huxtable
What celeberty would you want to be if any?: someone forgot to spell check lol
What celeberty do you look most like?: Janet Jackson (Penny) in Good Times
Are you high matnance?: far from it
what is more important looks or personality honesty?: personality
Is honesty always the best policy?: ALWAYS
How many people have you dated this year?: 2
How many people have you asked out this year?: 1
How many people have you turned down this year?: wow... i don't count those things
If you had only one friend who would it be?: Mattanyah
If you could eat anything right now what would it be?: Lobster
Do you love your friends or family more?: family
What is your favorite band?: New Edition
What is your favorite song?: Together Forever Shai
What sterotype are you ?: Young black single parent
What sterotype would you like to be?: Young black and RICH
Did you ever cut yourself purposely?: what the hell
Did you ever cry to get out anger?: yeah
Did you ever cry over a boy/girl?: yep
Are you a virgin?: who me?
Do you have a boyfriend?: no... I'm single and blessed
How long would you want to keep your virginity?: til marriage
If you lost it already do you regret it?: NO.. regretting that would be regretting my son
If you could change one point in your life would you?: yes.. not shooting the ball in a college game
What religion are you?: Baptist
How do you feel today?: Spiffy
If you could be anywhere right now where would it be?: On a white sandy beach with turquoise water
If you had to be one of your friends sisters/brothers who would you pick?: that's crazy
What is your favorite candy?: i like it all
What is your favorite kind of guy/girl .... sterotype?: light bright damn near white... LOL joking
How long do you like your relatioships to last?: forever would be nice
How tall would you like your boyfriend/girlfriend?: 5' 11" and up
about how much would you like them to be, toothpick,skinny,average,bigger?: average
How did your last relationshp end?: I had to kick his ass to the curb
Do you miss it?: no... once an ex always an ex
Were your ever really in love?: yes
whats the last thing you would say to one person b/4 dieing?: Take care of my son
If you were in love would you get married before college?: no
Do you have more guy friends or girl friends?: more guy friends
If you could be at any point in your life what would it be?: a kid with no responsibilities
If you had to pick a way to die how would it be?: old
Do you like yourself?: Love me
What do you wish to become someday?: happily married... and Rich
Do you trust people easily?: unfortunately no... u r guilty until proven innocent
How important is school to you?: Very
What song are you listening to right now?: I Need Love
If you could talk to anyone now who would it be?: can't disclose that info :P
Delivery is at the door at your house who is it from ?: Ed McMahon with a million dollar giveaway for me
what is your perfect date like?: picnic on the beach with a night stroll gazing at the stars
if you could completely change who you are would you?: not for one second
would you be friends with yourself?: Of course
Do you talk to people often?: all the time
Are your romantic?: yes indeedy
Do you talk bout your dreams?: sometimes
Do you dream often?: uh yeah
Do you ever pray?: always
Did you ever cheat on your boyfriend/girlfriend?: I don't cheat
How many hours do you spend on myspace?: way too many
What is the layout?: you can look and see
What is the song?: some old skool
Do you know everybody on your myspace friends?: all but a couple
Do you like everybody on your myspace friends?: they wouldn't be there if I didn't
Do you like who you are becoming?: love it
What is the most important thing in your life?: My son's success
what would you never change about yourself?: my personality
When was the last time you cried?: today
Do you think the guy should always pay?: no it's 2006 at least for the first few times though
What is your favorite movie?: How Stella Got her Groove Back
What movie sucked the most?: Wolf Creek... couldn't finish it
Who is your favorite actress?: Sandra Bullock
Who is your favorite actor?: Denzel
If you could change one thing in our world what would it be?: Peace... I'm not gonna put your president out there like that though
Do you have any bad habits?: yep
Do you think your fat?: no
Are you overweight?: yes more than "my norm"
What was the last thing you ate?: a sandwich
What is better mcdonalds/burgerking?: neither... turkey necks and rice w/ mustard greens
Would you date Ron off of harry potter? /guy,hermoinie off harry potter?: no
Woud you date a guy/girl with freckels?: Why not... that's irrelevant
if you could star in one movie what would it be?: How Stella Got her Groove Back with Taye mmm
Who do you want to be like?: Mike :)
what word best describes yourself?: vigorous
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Gogo, RnB, Hip hop, dirty south booty shake, old school, new school, gospel.... Anything with a nice beat and a good message.
How Stella Got her Groove Back, Waiting 2 Exhale, Goonies, Disorderlies, Breakin, Revenge of the Nerds, The Wood, Eves Bayou, Color Purple, Hostage, and I can't forget the original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory :O)
The best shows ever were The Cosby Show, In Living Color, Fresh Prince, Lassie, and Dennis the Menace...oh and the Cartoon Express channel from back in the day. Nothing really stands out these days, except Top Model and Girlfriends.
Hmmm... Soul Mates Dissipate and Never Again Once More by Mary B. Morrison
My mother, grandmother, and great grandmother...childbirth and motherhood is a motha... and of course Jesus!!!