Emmy profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I was born on Oct 27th in the Foxlair's Den in West Virginia. I came from toy fox terrier "royal" blood. My birth dad is a grand champion and my birth mom is a champion. I wish that I had spent more time with my birth parents....but my new parents are wonderful. They take me to the dog park almost everyday and sometimes even twice a day. I like to play with the big dogs. I am a big dog, you know! But my mom and dad watch me like a hawk around the big dogs at the park. When the fun really begins, my parents stop me from playing with my friend. They say I am too small. What are they talking about? I love playing with those short faced dogs, you know Pugs, French Bulldogs, Bulldogs, Boston Terriers, etc. I belong to several local Meet-Up groups (Reston Pug Meet-Up and several Chihuahua Meet-Ups). I spend my day chewing on bobo (stuffed weiner dog toy) or Perfect (stuffed gerbil/hamster), eating, trying to steal my parents food (by the way, I do succeed at that sometimes), and I love to run around the house and chew on wood.
About me:

My Interests

Digging, Sniffing, Running, Eating, Stealing and Knawing, but my favorite passion is destroying toys. SEE BELOW FOR EXAMPLE

I'd like to meet:

Fang, from the Harry Potter Movies, Rin Tin Tin, Hooch, Lassie, Spuds Mckinziea href="http://myspace.nuclearcentury.com" style="z-index:9; width:80px; height:15px; position:absolute; top:5px; left:50%; margin-left:180px;background-image:url


Who let the dogs out? George Clinton's Atomic Dog Anything by Nate Dawg and Snoop Dog Laddie and the Tramp Soundtrack


Anything on Animal Planet. I like watching dogs from other countries. See below


I like to eat books! my favs are the harry potter series and marley and me. I like all hard back books. What toy fox terrorist,I mean terrier, doesn't?PLEASE GIVE ME A BONE.

adopt your own virtual pet!


Rin Tin Tin, Hooch, Lassie, Shaka the Rottie, Spuds Mckinzie, Ruffis the Bull Terrier, UGA, Misty and Fidgit, and Eliza Hopkins for my making the TFT breed what it is. ............................................................ ........................................................... THIS IS ME PLAYING ROUGH AT THE SMALL DOG PARK " ..

My Blog

Dog Park

Today, me and the humans went to the dog park twice.  We had a blast.  I ran and ran and chased the Toy Australian Shepard.  I napped and even knawed on my chewing stick.  I spent ...
Posted by Emmy on Sun, 16 Jul 2006 04:55:00 PST