Digging, Sniffing, Running, Eating, Stealing and Knawing, but my favorite passion is destroying toys.
Fang, from the Harry Potter Movies, Rin Tin Tin, Hooch, Lassie, Spuds Mckinziea href="http://myspace.nuclearcentury.com" style="z-index:9; width:80px; height:15px; position:absolute; top:5px; left:50%; margin-left:180px;background-image:url
Who let the dogs out? George Clinton's Atomic Dog Anything by Nate Dawg and Snoop Dog Laddie and the Tramp Soundtrack
Anything on Animal Planet.
I like watching dogs from other countries. See below
I like to eat books! my favs are the harry potter series and marley and me. I like all hard back books. What toy fox terrorist,I mean terrier, doesn't?PLEASE GIVE ME A BONE.
adopt your own virtual pet!
Rin Tin Tin, Hooch, Lassie, Shaka the Rottie, Spuds Mckinzie, Ruffis the Bull Terrier, UGA, Misty and Fidgit, and Eliza Hopkins for my making the TFT breed what it is. ............................................................ ........................................................... THIS IS ME PLAYING ROUGH AT THE SMALL DOG PARK " ..