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About Me

PLEASE READ IF YOU'RE CONSIDERING GETTING ADOPTED BY ONE OF US!!We Jack Russell Terriers are first and foremost hunting dogs. We have traits and skills that make us excellent hunting dogs, we like digging, barking, can be aggressive and have a Super-K9 ability to follow scent.We are bred to go underground, following scent to locate and bark at quarry until they are dug down to or the quarry bolts. My natural instincts make me perfect for my current job as guardian of my world and of my family, when I'm not hunting cats, birds, or bugs.We Jack Russels are a BIG dog in a little body. I KNOW I'm a 150 pound dog (no matter what the stupid scale says), fearless, and will challenge any size dog who screws with me and mine!I shed! My smooth coat sheds the most, dropping hair continuously year round. I love it when people wearing black pick me up!We are extremely intelligent, I put together this web site and had my owner trained before he knew what had happened!I can be very possessive of my owner and he is MY personal property no matter what he thinks!We Jack Russells will chase cats, birds, rabbits, mice, rats, flies etc., it's our natural hunting instinct. You CANNOT train it out of us, it's like "The frog and the scorpion."I'm 9 but we normally remain active well into our 15-year-plus life span; our need for activity and desire to hunt continues for our entire lifetime.We absolutely need a securely fenced yard! Jack Russells will roam due to our hunting instincts.... even if left in unsecured areas for a few minutes! You can let us out every day for three years with no trouble....but one day we might disappear and may never come back. We lose our minds when chasing a cat, squirrel etc. and many of my bretheren have been killed by cars etc. I can also dig under, climb or jump over fences; I can climb trees and any height chain link fencing.We are NOT as portrayed in the movies, on TV, or other forms of media. Those dogs are professionally trained and handled, and are very obedient only for VERY short periods of time. Celebrity dogs have their needs met by the trainer, and perform their jobs accordingly.We require a long-term commitment to obedience, activity, exercise and entertainment... our unique character, intelligence and high energy level can frustrate you, will undoubtedly entertain you, and can bring you great joy (when we're happy!) or great grief (when we're not!). If this type of relationship does not appeal to you, then consider another breed. We Jack Russell Terriers are always a work in progress! Here is a nice quote that sums it up pretty well:"By the way, if you want a small dog for your apartment, get a bulldog -- a toy poodle, a dachshund or, better yet, a mutt from the pound. If you are thinking of getting a Jack Russell, don't." This quote is by Mathilde DeCagny, Moose "Eddie" Frasiers' trainer.

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