# Gui-Mauve està De Vacaciones! (; # profile picture

# Gui-Mauve està De Vacaciones! (; #

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

* Write "CARaMba's SesSioN" with Omar Dubrovnik! * Creating "Project Mish-Mu", with Mish. Maybye becoming Mish-Mu-Mi's Project... * "Les gOûTs et Les cOuLeUvRes" exist!!! * These projects are or Art's projects or Writing's projects. * New projet: AndalOusiA or IndiA. I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

ReVolUTion and EvolUtION!

I'd like to meet:

*People who have lot of ideas and lot of imagination and who can give me their opinion about our little projects!!!!!! ---- I need external looks. Thanks! (;


#Hypothèse GAiA! Lovelock #Le Sol viVant!!! #Luis Sepulveda, y tan otros. #Bouquins de pseudo-socio, durant mes h creuses. ha ha ha Se serait triste de finir trop sérieuse.... ... ...


Le MaRcHanD de RêVeS L'EmPiRE.................................................... ..................