Monsters (Cannibals, Vampires, Zombies, Ghouls, Werewolves, Demons, Devils, Skeletons, etc)
Mayhem (Ninjas, Pirates, Gods, Animals, etc)
Methodological mastery (WTF and all else)
Every single one of you mother luvin' suns of guns. Please, by all means, join our revolution. Be one with our little merry band of gaggle hounds. We shall endeavor, with utmost sincerity, to accomdate all. But, be warned, some of our crew, might be a tad unmitigted, a little unsavory. Roll with the joy, because, it's coming; we're coming for you! Joy!
Zombie chicken hounds will infest your future .......... So, read the blogs to find out more!
Black Sabbath, and all the rest of the good stuff.
Yes, please, can I have another.
Preferably in colour. And really, really, really big.
The ones with pages.
The Spectre, Etrigan The Demon, Lady Death, Ghost Rider, Hellstrom.