My Girl Friend/Wife,Our Son,hunting,fishing,playstation 2,reading,hardcore punk rock (late 70 to mid 80's),HOCKEY,football,skateing,and travel,and my family.
MySpace Layouts & MySpace Graphics
All the star wars (Revenge of the sith is the best)super troopers,the jerk,strange brew,police acdamy,clerks,mall rats,dogma,spiderman,friday the 13,dumb and dumber,tmnt,FULL METAL JACKET,saving private ryan,slap shot,jack ass 1&2,south park,im gonna get you sucka,kentucky fried movie,air plane,
American hardcore:A Tribal History;by Steven Blush.Cloak of Deception;Darth Maul:Shadow hunter;star wars epiisode 1 Phantom Menace;rogue planet;Outbound Flight;The Approaching Storm;Episode 2 Attack of the Clones;Yoda:Dark Rendezvous;Labyrinth of Evil;Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith;Dark Lord:The Rise of Darth vader;episode 4-6..The sinking of the Bismarck:The Deadly Hunt;DARTH BANE:Path of Destruction,more to come......