I am a black mask wearing, Molotov cocktail throwing revolutionary.
I've got sixteen in the clip and one in the hole...so don't push me.
I never ask for any one's respect. Self respect is all that matters.
I make it a point to be friends with my enemies, not because I fear them, but because I don't like to always be the bad guy. I can go months without talking to someone I consider a close friend. I always have the last laugh. Some people in this world have no purpose. I am not one of them. I usually work on something until it is complete and then let someone else have the rewards I do not tolerate people who do the opposite.
I usually pay for others mistakes but that usually ends up costing them in the end. I am a strict enforcer of Karma. Bad things happen to bad people too and it's not by chance.
I have faith in the same way I have doubts. I have love in the same way I have hatred. I am not a good person. I am not a bad person. I'm only one person. If I could get one thing straight it would be that. So don't expect me to carry your weight. I'm someone different to everyone who knows me... It's really up to you what side of mine you want to be on. I always have a plan. I always carry more than the weight of my own world it has only made me stronger. Whenever it seems like I disappeared, I'm up to something...I'd die for a friend without hesitation so I keep my list short.
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You cannot build character and courage by taking away men's initiative and independence. You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves.
William Boetcker
"Live so that thou mayest desire to live again - that is thy duty - for in any case thou wilt live again!"Freidrich Nietzsche"I look upon death to be as necessary to the constitution as sleep. We shall rise refreshed in the morning."Benjamin Franklin"There is no death. How can there be death if everything is part of the Godhead? The soul never dies and the body is never really alive."Isaac Bashevis Singer, Stories from Behind the StoveMasthead Banner Made with MyBannerMaker.com! Click here to make your own!