music. my family. my friends. traveling. meeting new people. playing soccer in the streets. founders. camping. taking pictures. adventuring. social work. going for walks. ritten house square. rosa parks circle. the euclid. old days at the ardmore and the 101. reading books. also, i love grocercy shopping.
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i believe there is something here to be learned of grace.
Only Three hours there, and three hours home, the three, so different, and so loved, were legends, each one to their own. all a part of life's design that led them there at that point in time. Three companions in calm, and allies in storm. It fused through their veins how matchless this night was, how necessary and life giving. Stories and concerns, hopes and dreams fell from their tounges. They reviewed the perfection of what they had just experienced together. And whether said or not, each of them knew how cherished one another was. There were silent hopes that this night would last forever, but their white chariot traveled on, as songs close to their heart sang from their beloved stereo. They were legends, each one to their own, destined to be where they were at that time. But its only three hours there, and three hours home, back to their lives, to search for more moments when they actually feel alive.if you feel like dancing, dance with me.
against me, anathallo, as cities burn, brand new, copleland, death cab for cutie, desperacidos, dretime, edison glass, early november, the format, jimmy eat world, la dispute, the last broadcast, leeland, lovedrug, the lonely hearts, the myriad, mewithoutyou, machester orchestra, muse, nevertheless, north lincoln, piebald, postal service, russian circles, starting line, this providence...a short list for now.
the departed, most will ferril movies, i like bill murray, i don't spend a lot of time watching movies though.
the office.
1984. blue like jazz.
my mom. my dad. my brothers. laura. danyel. lindsey. caitlin. kaleigh. tom. mirf. annette. dretime. simona.