I want to be normal, heck I am normal most of the time, or at least try to be. Most people that meet me think I am easy to talk to, open, honest, upbeat and smile alot, a good person, always cracking lame jokes that make peoples faces do this expression o.0, and at times very shy(sometimes too shy hehe doh!). This is all a facade, there is a deeper side to me that I seldom share, and most of the time try to hide as best I can. The Taoist part of me I guess. I rarely share this side with others, and am only comfortable showing my true nature to people who I think could actually understand or relate to in some way. At times this side comes out from under the act unintentionally, and am usually left stranded with people thinking "ok crack is bad Jason".. ahhaha geez ohwell no worries. I think sometimes that I am blessed/cursed with the insight to see the world from strange angles, and to be aware of what is really goin on all around me, sometimes its cool...but most of the time all I want to do is to just be normal, and I try my best to, but on the other hand I also need to know. Thats just me... but the source of almost all my happiness and awe of life is also the source of ALL my anger, fustration, and regret... All I can do is try my best to be a good person in everything I do, and I will be okay...I know this... Back to the real world shall we! The stuff I like to do ^_^ --------------------I LOVE TRAVELING AND BEING SPONTANEOUS/ADVENTUROUS Than theres the usual... Music, Dancing(I would die without dancing, and love to dance to GOOD trance and deep soulfull house), I think that bad techno/trance/house should be ILLEGAL and BANNED, Outdoors (Hiking/Camping/Backpacking, bearcountry is the best), Philosophy (mostly Eastern, especially Taoism, duh!), Sciences (quantum physics), Tropical Fish and plants, Photography, Evenings at the beach, Driving at night, Writing poetry (yes I still suck at this but hey its a great venting tool) Mysteries of all types.. one on one duels.. real swordsmanship, and my true passion.. Traditional Taoist Kung Fu and Oriental Medicine
Those who have traveled all over the world! Oh and ya... I WILL work in the ER, just a matter of time... width="425" height="350" .... ..
First off.. I LOVE FEMALE VOCALS (espeically in trip hop and Jazz.... wow, and is prolly why I always have been a sucker for a girl with a sweet voice) Trip hop (Dj Krush/Dj Shadow/Dj Cam), Trip hop females (Esthero, Hooverphonic, Sneaker Pimps, Portishead, Emiliana Torrini), Frank Sinatra/Michael Buble/Diana Kral, OldSchool Hip Hop and Turntabilism, -Blues- Favorite album at the moment is Dj Krush's "Zen"
Matrix, Matrix Reloaded. The Aliens Trilogy, Ghost Dog, Legend and Labrynth are cool to. Favorite movie at the moment is Animatrix
Travel Channel, international channel, Discovery A&E and History channels. To be honest I dont really like anything on TV. When I try to watch TV all I end up doing is channel flipping, find nothing worth watching, and than get fustrated at all the commercials, after which I am reaching for the off button dah. Too many damn commercials! TV sucks! http://www.turnoffyourtv.com/ and http://www.turnoffyourtv.com/poemsessays/brainwashedjerseymi ke.html
Anything by James Allen/Michael Talbott, Jonathan Livingston Seagull, The Bible, Tao Te Ching, Sun Tzu's Art of War, and Book of Five Rings, Memoirs of a Geisha. The Alchemist. The Tao of Physics and Holographic Universe. Favorite book at the moment is "The Six Military Classics of Ancient China"Any old friends who see this, feel free to hit me up on aim. Aim name is psid00d (zero's not O's)
Those who do what they feel is right, over what they think they know.