This profile is the profile of the "SUPERMUSEUM" not Jim Hambrick.The Coolest collection of Superman Memorabilia in the World
Downtowm Metropolis Superman Square Metropolis, IL 618-524-5518
Hours of Operation 9:00am- 6:00pm maybe laterHere is a video clip of my sister museum Americana Hollywood that Jim's daughter Karie did.
Quick Tour of Americana Hollywood
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Myspace Contact TablesAt the foot of Market street in front of the county courthouse , a 15 ft. bronze in color statue of Superman...A perfect compliment to the "World Famous Supermuseum" which houses the 'World's largest Collection of Superman Memorabilia"! Celebrating the various incarnations of the "Man of Steel".Jim Hambrick, founder, curator and most avid of Superman enthusiasts...takes you on a passionate personal tour of his prized collection of Superman memorabilia.
Over 100,000 items are displayed within his 15,000 square ft. museum.
Another 650,000 pieces are in storage ready for the museum's future expansions.