♥Aaliyah Quotes♥
"Whatever will be will be"
"Sometimes, when it's just my mom and me kicking it, I say, 'I'm 22, and I've accomplished so much.' I just know I have to appreciate every moment."
"Keep working hard and you can get anything that you want. If God gave you the talent, you should go for it. But don't think it's going to be easy. It's hard!"
"Its all worth it the times when your tired, the times when your a bit sad in the end its all worth it because it truly makes me happy and i wouldn't trade for anything else in the world... It nothing better than loving what you do. I've got good friends i've got a great family and i have a career i am truly blessed and i thank god for his blessing every chance i get"
"Its hard to say what i want my legacy to be or what i want people to say when i'm long gone i just want people to look at me a full on entertainer and a good person"
"I think it's important to take a break, you know, from the public eye for a while, and give people a chance to miss you. I want longevity. I don't want to get out there and run myself ragged and spread myself thin".
"Well, I think that the image is a part of me. I wear the baggy pants, the hats, the whole nine. And you know, I may add a little for the excitement and the intrigue in the videos, but my family has told me that little air of mystery that surrounds me is for real."
Tomorrow - a poem for Aaliyah
When tomorrow starts without me
And I'm not there to see
If the sun should rise and find your eyes
All filled with tears for me
I wish so much you wouldn't cry
The way you did today
While thinking of the many things
We didn't get to say
I know how much you love me
As much as I love you
And each time that you think of me
I know you'll miss me too
But when tomorrow starts without me
Please try to understand
That an angel came and called my name
And took me by the hand
And said my place was ready
In heaven far above
And that I'd have to leave behind
All those I dearly love
But when I walked through heaven's gates
I felt so much at home
When God looked down and smiled at me
From His great golden throne
He said "This is eternity
And all I've promised you"
Today for life on earth is past
But here it starts anew
I promise no tomorrow
For today will always last
And since each day's the same way
There's no longing for the past
So when tomorrow starts without me
Don't think we're far apart
For every time you think of me
I'm right here in your heart
This poem was inspired by Aaliyah and written by a friend in
return for the many things she gave him.
Aaliyah if she were still alive..1979-2001..R.I.P ♥
*Romeo Must Die*
Which Aaliyah persona do you posess?
You are TRISH 'O DAY:You always hang out and have fun, even at work. You love kids and you collect stuffed animals. You have good customer service skills and love to go to the park and eat ice cream.
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*Queen of the Damned*