Welcome to the longest profile ever!! No quizzes, just all about me...singers I support, my holidays, sports, films, my sister's amazing drawings...it's all here in writing or slideshow form! I know it may seem boring, but do have a read through, then you'll have some actual idea of who I am and what I'm all about!! Oh yes and, as you may have noticed from my little quote, my idea of the week is that I want to become an Astrophysicist. I just think it would be great and so interesting! ... I'm probably best sticking to the acting and music though.
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The life and times of Kirsty. From 2 to 21:
So anyway, hello! Although my primary thoughts were on travelling, they have taken a shift. All I want to do is act!!! That's all I've really wanted to do since I was small and the feeling just isn't going to go away. I still plan to have my name up in lights (so to speak) one day.
I love supporting singers and helping where I can! Duo Canto are amazingly talented and I have really loved the journey so far. From a couple of short recordings to a studio and performing in Caird Hall, Dundee.
Please visit the My Space for Duo Canto and the website I've done for them. They really are wonderful singers, lovely girls and gorgeous to boot; who wouldn't want to at least listen to what they can do!?! They're doing a brilliant version of My Immortal which is really worth listening to.
Also, Holly Holyoake on MySpace and her website (I didn't do these). She is an amazing soprano from Wales who rugby fans may have heard and seen singing the Welsh National Anthem at the Wales V France game back in March.
Check out The No Way Nevers...! Dan, Nick and Ant are fairly (ok, very) awesome guys and very brilliant.
Ummm, what else is there!?! I love being on stage, in musicals mainly; I always think that plays need a song to break them up (with the exceptions of The Crucible, ART and The Woman in Black that is...). I play the piano pretty much every day (don't know what I'd do without it) and sing along - this helps loads when rehearsing for a musical; buy the music, learn how to play it and learn the words at the same time. It must drive my family absolutely mad, but luckily my brother and sister both play too and they also have a habit of playing the same pieces over and over....and over.
I also love playing the flute, but can't do that so much anymore as it's too old (bought it second hand, christ, over 10 years ago) and just doesn't give the good sound it used to. One day I'll be able to afford a new one and be able to finally take my Grade 8!! I'm hoping to take up drum and cello lessons in the future (as soon as I can afford it). I've wanted to play the cello for nearly 3 years and it's driving me mad not having one yet! I've wanted to play drums for much longer, more like 7 years, but I'm not so fussed because I don't have the room for a drum kit. Then, hopefully, singing lessons will follow - or come first, space depending - I hope to either have classical or jazz training; I have no interest in singing pop because it just doesn't work for me!
Anyway...I love watching films; I can quite happily watch 4 or 5 in a day (on a very unproductive day!!). I'm very into the classics at the moment - Pride & Prejudice, Sense & Sensibility, Emma, The Importance of Being Earnest...etc
I do enjoy sports although I never actually seem to do any. I absolutely love horse riding although I haven't been able to do it for ages. I also love tennis, basketball and going to the gym...I really should start doing one of them regularly!
PLEASE take a minute to browse through my sister and her friend's chalk drawings. I think they're amazing, especially since the girls are only 15. All drawn on our patio, apart from one drawn on a road. Do take a look at their website and leave them a comment in the guestbook!