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How I made my profile:
I used Dave & Jay's amazing myspace editor .
One day in 2005 Brad met Sean, together they started making music. Brad played guitar and sang while Sean played bass. Meanwhile, Travis and Andrew were making music together not too far down the road. Travis played guitar and sang while Andrew banged on some drums. As fate would have it, they all met one day and formed Nerv.
Eventually, Andrew was replaced by Doug and Sunifyde was born.
Shortly there after, Doug was replaced by Jeremiah, who had a history of making music with Brad. And soon, the group started playing all kinds of gigs around Missouri. Then one day, Sean left the group to pursue a different career. He was soon replaced by friend and jam partner, Cy.
This "new" Sunifyde began recording their first full length album entitled "The Eradication Of Nurturing Obsessions".
Now, Jeremiah has exited, and in his place came two newbies, Clay on drums, and a third guitarist named Chris. Together, these five have been developing their new sound, and working on their next great album.
Growing up in the rolling farmlands of central Missouri, there is little to do with your time and energy. Therefore jamming is essential to life in the midwest, and Sunifyde has used this medium to explore and define this rural backdrop.
Their music rolls from melodic ambience to screaming furosity and back. Every bit of their souls is poured into the creation of each song, and every song has a unique aura of its own letting it stand out individually and still become one with the crowd.
Listen, acknowledge, and enjoy.
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