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I am here for Friends

About Me

Me dedico a la muy antigua y respetada ciencia del autconocimiento, a la expansion mental y espiritual, y a derribar los prejuicios y convenciones sociales instaurados en mi por el sistema educativo español y una sociedad amante del "estatus quo" y los rebaños humanos. Actualmente recorro un camino de introspeccion en busca de mi mas profundo ser: quien soy y que es lo que quiero realmente, y a quien. Recently I have been asked what my dreams are, if any, and this is what I found in the most deep site of my soul, guarded as a precious treasure: I dream of a peaceful and creative life, a job that fulfills me and gratifies me and others, and to come home to my love one and hold each other with no sorrow.

My Interests

Mainly books and music, also European soccer, crafts, history, mythology, science...CURRENT MOON lunar phases

I'd like to meet:

Here at My Space? People interested in chatting about music, books,...or whatever.


Sting, Oasis, Pearl Jam, The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Saurom Landerth, Mago de Oz, Sober, Estopa, Jarabe de Palo, Cat People, M-Clan, RHCP, BOA, Amaral, The Killers, The Smiths, The Doors, The Vines, Chambao...

Your Life: The Soundtrack
Opening credits: "The Nutcracker" VIII. Flower Waltz - Tchaicovsky
Waking up: I'm Only Sleeping - The Beatles
Average day: You gotta be - Desree
First date: Vino Tinto - Estopa
Falling in love: Wonderwall - Oasis
Love scene: Baby I'm Amazed - Paul McCartney
Fight scene: Get Free - The Vines
Breaking up: You have killed me - Morrissey
Getting back together: You're Crazy - Guns n'Roses
Secret love: Waiting for You - Seal
Life's okay: Alrigth - Supergrass
Mental breakdown: I Can't Get No Satisfaction - Their Satanic Majesties The Rolling Stones
Driving: Me Vale - Mana
Learning a lesson: Hotel California - The Eagles
Deep thought: Fortunate's Son - CCR
Flashback: What is love - Haddaway
Partying: Resacosix en Hispania - Mago de Oz
Happy dance: Roe por la escalera - Chambao
Regreting: Out of Time - Blur
Long night alone: The bed's too big without you - The Police
Death scene: Train - Undrop
Closing credits: Sgt Pepper's Lonely Heart Club Band - The Beatles
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Blade Runner,The Graduate,Star Wars(the old ones),LOTR Trilogy,the HP films,Just Visiting, Breakfast at Tiffany's, The Dark Cristal, The Bird Cage, El Bola, Motorcycle Diaries, Dances with Wolves, ThunderHeart, The Princes Bride, Solaris, etc I like sci-fi movies and old westerns, and oldies in general with Jimmy Stewart, Cary Grant... Which one was that movie with the big rabbit who could only be seen by Jimmy Stewart? Love that movie.


Discovery channel, History channel, CSI,Law & Order CI(in love w/Vincent D'onofrio), Monk, X-Files,...


Caballo de Troya, any book written by Tolkien, Isaac Asimov, Stephen King, H.G. Wells, Stanislaw Lem, H.P. Lovecraft, Paul Auster or J.J. Benitez; science fiction in general. Well, practically anything that falls into my hands. Oh and I am a Harry Potter fan!(love Sirius Black!)


Ghandi. "I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent."Mahatma Gandhi

My Blog


El invierno por fin a llegado, no se podía retrasar mucho mas. La nieve por fin esta cayendo, blanca, suave y congelada...Intento admirar la belleza de una nevada, pero lo cierto es que su simple idea...
Posted by Ennar on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 09:09:00 PST

Por fin viernes

Another week, another Friday. I can wait for the semester to end...Yes, we are under snow advisory, what a great thing! The snow I mean...White, cold, unconfortable, a pain in the ass to drive in...Ye...
Posted by Ennar on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 06:22:00 PST


I am starting a carrer as a freelance translator. It is harder than you might think at first but it can be done.I have to work my way through some IRS paperwork, set a working space here at home and a...
Posted by Ennar on Sat, 24 Nov 2007 09:00:00 PST

Luna de Lobos

I have finished reading the book Luna de Lobos by Julio Llamazares. I had never read anything by him before, shamelessly so since he is one of the most prominent Spanish writers.The memory of Llamazar...
Posted by Ennar on Thu, 22 Nov 2007 08:26:00 PST

New snowing day

Where do I start first? The snow? The dreadful artuicle I read last night?Or my belated homework?Snow = I hate the snow.Dreadful article = hate it too.Homework = don't hate it, I'm just a bit...behind...
Posted by Ennar on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 08:27:00 PST

My car back and other stuff

I received a call today, from the dealership, my car is ready. But of course that is just figuratively speaking because I doubt that my little red car is ready.I am not satisfied with the service prov...
Posted by Ennar on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 05:49:00 PST

Let’s to go dancing!

Código para la música y la imagen ...
Posted by Ennar on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 09:17:00 PST

The pressure of being 30

Recently I have turn 30 and . . . fall into depression as I see myself getting older and older. It hasn't help of course my new eye condition which forbids me of wearing contacts and make my eyes look...
Posted by Ennar on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 07:32:00 PST

Social Life = 0

I am so socially deprived that I am having dreams about bar hopping!Yes, last night I had a dream in which my friend Sami, her friend Erik and I were bar hopping in downtown Rapid city, looking for a ...
Posted by Ennar on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 06:22:00 PST


A dear friend of mine is going through a really hard time, and I have not been as understanding or as patient as I should have.As of today I will try to be.Once a psychology teacher said to me - In yo...
Posted by Ennar on Sun, 04 Nov 2007 04:20:00 PST