tido!!!wakakakaka, the greatest moment in my life of coz to sleep between my mom and dad!!!:-)
everybody!!as long as they don't talk nonsense!!! wanna to be my frenzzz??? do email me to - [email protected] :)
all siti's song!r&b and love song!!!+ heheheeh including nasyid!!!yerker........wkakakakak
A walk to rememeber!!!final destination, monster inc +++all disney cartoons movies!!!:-)
when I sit in front of the television, I never let my eyes off from the television's screen...not at once...becoz it's to precious!!!hahahaha,i love to watch korean series, alias, gilmore girls, dark angle, and of coz sin chan... hehehheh
all novels that had been written by ahadiat akasyah + norhayati berahim!!! it's so touching!!!hhuhuhuhu
mY beloved Dou mIng Shi.. I wish to get to know a person like him in this real life!!!! emp, ++ 11:13!!