I like sport, things like triathlon etc...dont really care as long as its not football-IM NOT A FAN AND NEVER WILL BE!!!!!! Im also into art and that sort of thing and of course music...yay *dances insanely* ooo i also love surfing-not that good but hey i intend on getting the practise in *rubs hands together* i also love cuddling, and smiling at complete strangers in the street for no reason, but english people are evil and dont smile back..bastards! hmm..i also like to cook which is pretty damn useful...and make my own smoothies yum but if ur lazy i say go for the innocent smoothies they seriously rock!
Mr ed the talking horse
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depending on my mood-I like pretty much everything
anything by tarantino and im there!
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hmm...OC LOST er er anything that happens to be on although im not usually around enough to watch the usual shit we get over here..much prefer to be getting messy with the olde clay.
i probs should read more but theres not enough time in the day to fit that in as well!-much prefer to be cuddling up
my mum..shes small (im talking pocket sized) and french and hey she puts up with my dad!