we're a band from norwich, home of two big churches and a castle. we play alternative music and recorded a small demo at the mill studios last year with another one yet to come soon. keep an eye on this page for new tracks and gig info! peace
[email protected]
good reviews
"A very young band with all the energy and excitement of a new born puppy. Seriously talented musicians with hugely catchy, danceable songs."-NME
"Each track by the triggers takes a big dump on anyone who says "just a local band." -Outline Magazine
"...they are a great band and if they keep it up then they will lead the way in this genre over the next few years leaving all the evident bandwagon jumpers to sit and scratch their heads!!"-Bracko Promotions(RIP)
this is felix playing scream at the arts centre; scream will be on our new demo.