[Bag of the Hour]
<[i>a Tokidoki LesportSac w/Quee]
[Must See 2008]
-Chaos Theory
-Funny Games
-Iron Man
-Where in the World is Osama
- Be Kind Rewind ****
-Street Kings
-The Forbidden Kingdom
-Dark Knight
-Vantage Point
- Charlie Bartlett ***
- Penelope **1/2
-The Other Boleyn Girl
-Diary of the Dead
-Jumper **
Realistically ~ A very expensive bottle of Port.
[My Hero]
Silversun Pickups, French: Punk/ Rock/ Mellow, xfm.co.uk, Who, Damon Albarn, Frou Frou, Travis, Gogol Bordello, Joy Divison/New Order, Pulp, Hives, Stone Roses, The Jam, Noel Gallagher, Ramones, super old Jazz, 70's rock, NYC'77 & 80's punk, 90's metal, Clash, Mozart and Opera Puccini, Toska, la boheme. Everything but gangster rap and Country.
There Will Be Blood, Sunshine, Wristcutters:A Love Story, Avalon, The Man From Earth, Feast of Love, Juno, Saved!, Bladerunner, Control, The Fountain, Knocked Up, Superbad, The History Boys, Vacation ALL, Il Mare, Brick, Looking for Richard, *Death Proof*, Hedwig, Hot Rod, Valley Girl, Kung Fu Hustle, Tony Jaa, Slap Shot, Vanilla Sky, Wes Anderson, Shaun of the - Day of the -Dawn of the - Night of the - Dead, Star Wars (superfan minus the hint of comic-con geek), Matrix 1 - 3, Hamlet, Cary Grant, and all forms of Asian cinema/ horror.
Pushing Daisies, Riches, Pens Hockey, (Most ML sports), The Soup, Dirt, LOST, Anthony Bourdain, Brit Comedies, Ghost Hunters, Top Gear, Adult Swim, Arrested Developement (RIP), some trainwreck VH1/MTV reality TV.
Oscar Wilde, Edward de Vere, Peter O'Toole, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Anais Nin, Nick Hornby, Ivan Welsh, Rainer Maria Rilke, Dan Brown, Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (greatest story ever told!), Good Omens, Thomas Mann, PKD, Cash on Cash, The whole Mary-Magdalen-Da-Vinci-treasure-hunt-style novels! Theology, Historical.
My parents, Aunty, Peter O'Toole and Madeline Kahn
[Yes. I am the bomb...I'm crafty]