Since his birth in 1972 benfay is on a long musical journey. Growing up to the sounds of free jazz, he teaches himself several instruments (guitar, piano, double bass and trumpet) and later decides to study double bass at the College of Music in Berne. During this period, his interest in electronic music starts to grow and his main project turns out to be the fusion of electronic music, live performance, DJ-ing and Spoken Word/Rap, thereby overcoming boundaries that divide genres. To push back technological frontiers, Ben works on sound creation by means of self-constructed and modified acoustic and electronic instruments. Results thereof have been released on Stattmusik (2006) and Morris Audio (2007).
The intensive work and development process of the past years, in conjunction with the technical possibilities, have led benfay to understand that the quintessence of music does not lie in the number or complexity of the instruments used, but in the process of music creation itself. The materialisation as well as extension of this potential – utilising today’s technological possibilities – is benfay’s ultimate aspiration for the work that awaits.
more about me can be found here benfay
Kutti MC - St. Helvetia