TooL, Oakland A's, San Jose Sharks, Matrix, Adorno, Social Science, phenomenology, ontology, entymology, larchymology :), studying mass culture, natural sciences, politics, life, cultural studies, social institutions, video games, world travel, small unmarked bills, red pandas, Turkish star wars, the 7 day return thing at gamestop
The Man
Tool, A Perfect Circle, Autolux, Incubus (old stuff only), Billy Idol, other stuff i dont feel like naming
matrix trilogy, v for vendetta, Donnie Darko, Thank You for smoking, this film is not yet rated, intelligently written movies, slapstick comedy, generally not horror (predictable, boring, attempt to out gross by showing most violent scenes, generally useless as a genre). not usually love stories or musicals (exception: singing in the rain, the producers).
lost, south park, adult swim...
oh I forgot 80s cartoons: duck tales, teenage mutant ninja turtles, swat cats, transformers, ghostbusters, richie rich v. the smurfs, bugs bunny, warner brothers cartoons,
eye on the tv
cause tragedy fills me
whatever flavor it happens to be
like: killed by the husband
drowned by the ocean
killed by his own sun
she used a poison
in his tea
then kissed him goodbye
thats my kind of story
its no fun till someone dies
official list:
Bonds of Love by Jessica Benjamin,
The Culture Industry by Adorno,
Why Religion Matters by Houston Smith,
Children as Caregivers by Chester Winton,
The Ugly American,
The Quiet American,
All About Love by bell hooks,
Teachers as Intellectuals: Towards a Critical Pedagogy by Henry Giroux,
WHy are all the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria - Beverly Tatum,
Lord of the Rings,
Negative Dialectics - Adorno,
Gorgias - Plato,
Gender Play - Barrie Thorne,
Watership Down - Richard Adams,
Monkey - translated by Arthur Waley,
The Portable Jung (yes it is cheating),
Invisible Man - Ralph Ellison,
Nisa - Marjose Shostak,
Couples Kids and Family Life - Gubrium and Holstein
Global Village or Global Pillage, Brecher and Costello
Lonely Planet, China
I also live books from the 1930s that discuss sexuality, they cover such topics as: curing homosexuality, improving national morality, etc...
Listen to the tales and romanticize,
How we follow the path of the hero
Boast about the day when the rivers overrun
How we rise to the height of our halo