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About Me

Just how it is.

My Interests

Cardboard, Drawing, Action, Adventures, Reading, Running, Music, Hikes, Cooking, Chilling, History, Art, World cultures, Phenomena, Wasting time, the mad sciences, etc.




Children of Men, Apocalypse Now!, The Game, Roshomon, Battle Royale, Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, Old Boy, Reservoir Dogs, American Pimp, The Jerk, The Princess Bride, Unforgiven, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill, Dead Alive, old school, The Royal Tenenbaums, Better Off Dead, Waynes World, Shawsank Redemption, Forrest Gump, Rocky, Citizen Kane, American Psycho, LA Confidential, The Big Lebowski, Happiness, 40 year old virgin, knocked up.


MAURY, Six feet Under, Lost, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Trailer Park Boys, Andy Richter Controls the Universe, Simpsons, Gilmore Girls, Seinfeld, The Venture Bros, Roseanne, Mr. Show, The Twilight Zone, Outer Limits, Hithcock Presents, The Office, The Colbert Report, Da Ali G Show, Arrested Development, Freaks and Geeks, Undeclared.


Whole shelves of 'em.


JW Waterhouse, John Singer Sargent, Edward Degas, Fransisco Goya, Guercino, Geoff Darrow, Cary Nord