Rodney profile picture


Love like it's never going to hurt

About Me

I am a single, male, 29, Always looking for something new to do in life. I love to make people laugh. I get along with almost every one. Not into people who think that the world revolves around'em. I also love to listen and help people with there problems. Try me. If you talk or send me a message, I will write you back. I take care of my friends. Peace and Love. Holla, a response is guranteed!! My yahoo im i.d. is rodney_r1977.......

My Interests

Car audio, Storm chasing, Cool stuff for a natural rush.
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Would you Like to Date Rodney......Babe?

Yes, I would love to.
I'd rather get married!!
I'd rather jump off a Cliff!!

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I'd like to meet:

Friends who have a down to earth view of things, people who accept other people for who they are. Friendships where you dont have to put up a false front, you know, to try to please them. I would like all the friends I could get who accept me for who I am. A friend, someone who listens, someone who cares,, Thats who I am.Get Your Own Voice Player .. width="425" height="350" Free to a loving home. Serious inquires only!
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Use tha "Space" bar to shoot, and tha arrow keys. Hold the up arrow for thrust.


..This has got to be one of tha funniest Chapelle shows I've ever seen. YOU HAVE GOT TO WATCH THIS. R.I.P 2PAC


Would you Like to Date Rodney......Babe?

Yes, I would love to.
I'd rather get married!!
I'd rather jump off a Cliff!!

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People who can type faster and better than me!

My Blog

Cars With Scars

CARS WITH SCARS   Current members: Rodney Roberts, Dodge Stratus, Texas Wendy Roberts, Chevrolet Cavalier, Texas Joe Stephenson, Chevrolet El Camino, Texas Pat Long, Kia Rio Cinco, Florida "Bb" C...
Posted by Rodney on Sat, 16 Sep 2006 01:02:00 PST