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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Am Crazy, sweeet, good friend, Crazy, easy going, Crazy, some-what easily riled up, Crazy... Did I mention crazy? ^^

My Interests

(In no particular Order) Me love manga, drawing, playing guitar,manga, surfing the net, love to ski,anime, make fwens, reading!, manga and um... manga?! o.o; Im gonna have to get back to you on this...

I'd like to meet:

Anyone BUT perverts and psychos ^^ Everyone else welcome! Fellow Manga and Anime lovers I especially would love(not like) to meet :D


Im an eclectic so trying to list it would take months(maybe years) so lets not try. Anything "good" Me like! ^^ Most rock, romantic and acoustic genres are in my list of likes-and if it isnt then they must suck :P


1)The Lord Of the Rings Trilogy is without equal. 2)All Anime movies rock! 3)Movies I like vary from all genre's so dont make me list it. Im an eclectic-sue me! 4)Everything else sucks until proven otherwise! LOL!


I especially adore my anime series followed by comedy series(dat 70's show, 2 guys and a gal, just shoot me, friends and loads others). I also like supernatural like buffy da vampire slayer(I think Vamps rock! :[ ) Ummmm... There is prolly a ton more I havent listed but i think you get the idea(I hope) ^^


My love and life-MANGA!!! :P I do not have enough money in the world for all the manga I want to collect. As for other books... How much time you got? O.o


^^ Sanzo from Saiyuki! *swoons* LoL! He rocks! O_O What? *Whacks you with a paper fan* :P