Anime Freaks
It's been Months since we've been back online. Sorry Anime Freak Members, our group were unactive for 5 Months. We had to redecorate the site and redecorate the contents. Our web page are not online for now but you still can visit it but it will be a dead site UNTIL this October .Anime Fans! I'm glad you've bumped into Anime Freaks Community. In here you'll meet many COOL and FUN Anime Lovers all around. We will be listing out close Anime Users, Sites, Profile and More in this one page!You'll review and vote our Blogs. Send comments to the board and our Profile to make other know you're a Member. Search for more Anime EXCLUSIVE friends in Anime Freaks. We know that all our members are Anime Fans As The BEST! They're just the ones you've been looking for so join now. Many Events and Activities will be adding soon enough so STAY TUNED MEMEBERS AND VISITORS because we're going to ROCK UP this site. Also I'll be needing some staff's so I'll put up a board to apply so please do some help for Anime Freaks because we love you and want this place to be active for a very long TIME!Have Fun People/Anime Fans!
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Activities is still Under Constructions!
Animes and Info
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