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I am here for Friends

About Me

sWeEt nOt iNnOceNt... kaYo nah bHLa..jUst fiNd oUt mOre abOut me....^-^..Myspace Layouts @ JellyMuffin.com lOve yOu bAby kOh...

My Interests

oOohh,,, i lOve reMinisciN w/ sOngS pLayiNg aS a bCkgRouNd...i reaLLy lOve mUsic & speCiaLLy boys......(eheheh jOke)

I'd like to meet:

cYmpRe uN iNteReStiNg & d bOring kSma......


iM iN tO aNythiNg cOz im oNe heLL of a mUsiC lOveR!!!!!!!!!!


i like mOvieS that sets up mY mood. i like aLL the episOdes of aUstin pOweRs & seX aNd the ciTy....


i like caRtOoNs.. i lOve watChiNg mUsiC teLevisiOn (mtV) shOws, niCktOoNs & diSney chaNneL....


i dOnt reaLLy reaD boOks bUt sOmetiMes i read chiCkeN soUp 4 teeNaGe sOUl.....

My Blog

this time im serious

 this time im serious. i found my perfect guy. his name is erwin rico d. gueco. i met him at angeles university foundation. he was introduced to me by my friend. he's a volleyball varsity. he's a...
Posted by ja! on Sat, 17 Sep 2005 08:19:00 PST

mY neW laB

hhhaayyyy nku,,,,iM baCk aGen...iNluV aGen....ibaNg gUy nanamaN peRo paRehOng nangyayaRi....y dO i eNd up luVin da wrOng gUy??? whY??? ah ewaN d kO na uuLitin ung paG kakamaLi na nGwa kO dati.....ah b...
Posted by ja! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


i waS hUrt weN he leFt me :'c bUt iN tiMe i'Ve leaRned 2 be strOng!!! tiMe heaLed the paiN aNd i'Ve tRieD tO moVe oN. i've pRomiSed mYseLf that iL be his fRieNd bUt why iS it aFteR aLL thiS tiMe iM ba...
Posted by ja! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

letting him go

gaaNo ba ka hiraP aNg maG let gO? hRap dba? d mO aLam kUng pnO ka iiwaS d mO aLam kUng pnO ka makakaLimOt....lalOng lalO na kUng aNg mnahaL mO eh wLang kapaLit....hNdi nMan sa kaiLangan nG kapaLit peR...
Posted by ja! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

mhaL kO

gOsh weLL iM heRe aGaiN....kiNda saD eh... y kC luV is sO s2piD... nag papaka taNga tyO sa mGa tayOng mhaL natiN na nag babalewaLa pa satiN.....bkt gnOn? lapit na nGa maubOs aNg lUha kO ewaN kO ba... ...
Posted by ja! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

iM a liTtle bit.............

I was kinda hesitant to tell you should I let you know? I was never really like this before need I say more? * Or maybe Im confused when you are near me I don't know what to do or I shoul...
Posted by ja! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

mUsiC lOvahs

) What is your favorite song/s EVER? raiNbOw-sOuth bOrder luV oF my liFe-soUth bOrdeR oFficiaLLy miSsiN u-taMia fOur seaSons oF lOneliNess- bOyz II meN thiS luV-maRoOn 5 littLe bit-m.y.m.p. nO...
Posted by ja! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

jUst a piEce oF sHit!!!

aaawww nOthiN 2 saY..like i saiD diS is jUst a pieCe oF shit..it's totaLLy oVer!!!
Posted by ja! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST