Sunshine profile picture


She's intoxicated by herself.

About Me

Dear Sara,I'm a ganggggggtur.!

"I don't do drugs
I am drugs" -Salvador Dali

I'm generally a nice person.
I was born and raised in San Francisco it's my home. Most of the time laugh and sing really loud My hair is dead but sexy as hell. I am in love with life. I like to go out a lot, run around the city with a penis shaped cookie. I believe that everyone's just a bit smarter then they think, well most people.I'm usually a really understanding, I have an amazing family and amazing friends. I can talk yer damn ear off, and if you are there for me, I'll be there for you. Music is my life it goes wherever I go.
I am not here for your drama, or your moms.

I believe that love can win any battle.

My Interests

+ Walking
+ Buri Buri Park
+ Penis shaped cookies
+ dancing
+ acting
+ photography
+ writing
+ Micheal Jackson
+ SciFi nigga
+ your face
+ Hills on Haight
+ HUGE ear holes bahahaha

I'd like to meet:


My fave are...
+ Eternal sunshine
+ Taxi Driver
+ SLC Punk
+ Wicker park
+ 28 days later
+ Fear and loathing
+ Jaws
+ House of a thousand corpses
+ House of sand and fog
+ A clockwork orange
+ Friday the 13th
+ Pulp Ficton
+ Snatch

My Blog

Bitches cant hang with the streets

Keep talking your mess, it only shows how badly I get to you. How much damage can a "little girl" do, and how long will you obsess? And oh, try getting an actual life, rather then sitting on...
Posted by Sunshine on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 05:14:00 PST