Short,stacked,quirky brunette with a passion for tea,ink,and words.I love the cold, and the little moments. I am enamoured by my memories,they both haunt and inspire me.A blessing and a curse,I don't think I'll forget anything. I'm in a constant persuit to make things tangible.Things that last and somehow escape time istself.
I'm the kinda girl that will want to go get waffles with you at 2am.Thats just how I roll.I like watching the sun come up..I guess you could say I'm a morning person,if it didn't require being up so fucking early.
I enjoy walking on the beach when its foggy with a warm coffee,and poking sea anemones with my finger.I'm a sucker for marine biology.
I appriciate a little mystery.The things about you no one knows.Uninhibited conversation is the fastest way to my heart.
A girl who's tough as nails,but brusies easily.No legs are fucked up.I really should be taking my vitamins.
Owner of a foul mouth and a sharp tounge,but so down to earth I'm probably crawling on pavement.
I am everything and nothing you'd expect me to be
But that's what makes me so damn fun
"The motion of her tiny hands...tell you everything you need to know...."
If you're my friend, I will do anything for you
If you're my enemy, I will make you a fool
I'm smarter than I used to be. I suppose they're right about one thing.
Experiance makes you wiser
I'm efficient
I'm organized
I'm creative.
And I'm always thinking
(Oh yea............and I'm totally a sarcastic fuckface.Don't take me so seriously -_____^ )
(sandwhich panda is too cute)