Reading everything, books, bookmaking, letterpress printing, poetry, knitting & crocheting, any art or craft, music--listening and making, light, red tea kettles, beetles & moths, hiking, walking, mountains, dirt, crunchy leaves, spirituality, doggies, penguins, my apartment, thai food, pizza, chocolate, ice cream, cheese, bread, yoga, rubber chickens, biology & environmental science/studeis, Greek anything, movies, anti-racism work, hands, noses, being a big sister, Oakland, fall, physical therapy . . .
I'd like to meet:
Kind, tolerant people, people who work hard to make life worth while, people who make life better for other people, people with a sense of humor and a sense of justice, Cleopatra, the Karmapa, the Dalai Lama, Ernest Holmes, Jane Austen, Virginia Woolf, H.D., Charlie Brown & Linus Van Pelt, Hamlet, James McAvoy (steamy), myself . . .
Everything & anything (within reason), Beatles, Dylan, Wilco, Eliott Smith, Joni Mitchell, Ron Sexsmith, Miles Davis, Motzart, Debussy, Brahms, Patsy Cline, Badly Drawn Boy, Jason Webley, Ellington, Bonnie Raitt, Clapton, Queen, Led Zepplin, the Doors, Joey Latimer (grin), Nickel Creek, The Pretenders, Aretha Franklin, Billie Holiday, Moody Blues, Elton John, Carole King, Simon and Garfunkel, Johnny Cash, Pink Floyd, Ella and Louis, Suzanne Vega, The Eagles, Alana Davis, Ruthie Foster, The Decemberists, Sufjan Stevens, Beck (who is a genius), the Dixie Chicks, Radiohead, The Band, Queen, CHANGE REQUIRED, Punch Brothers, Nora Jones, Dynamic, Patti Griffin, Alison Krauss, Feist, Linda Thompson, Peter Gabriel, Scissor Sisters, Old Crow Medicine Show, Swell Season, shall I go on . . .
Love Actually, Contact, Bend it Like Beckham, Three Colors: Red, I Heart Huckabees, The Goonies, Pride and Prejudice (with Colin Firth), Bridget Jones' Diary, Ocean's Eleven (the new version), Tempest (the Cassavettes version), Much Ado About Nothing (and any Kenneth Branaugh and/or Emma Thompson), Volver, Guys and Dolls, Amelie, Dirty Dancing, Stealing Beauty . . . this could go on forever . . . The Life Aquatic (any and all Wes Anderson), The Hours, All Things Are Illuminated, The Secret, Things You Can Tell Just By Looking At Her, After the Wedding, Pump Up the Volume, The Lives of Others, The Jane Austen Book Club, Juno, Waitress, Vitus, The Darjeeling Limited . . .
My So-called Life, Grey's Anatomy, Pete & Pete, The Wonder Years, House, BOSTON LEGAL (ROCKS MY SOCKS!), Bones
Helen in Egypt (H.D.), The English Patient, Love in the Time of Cholera (Gabriel Garcia Marquez), The Book of Embraces (Eduardo Galeano), any Jane Austen or Barbara Kingsolver (esp. Prodigal Summer), Harry Potter, Twelfth Night, The Little Prince, Franny and Zooey, Linda Gregg's Poetry, A House Like a Lotus, Wide Sargasso Sea (Anyone who's ever read Jane Eyre and felt that something was wrong with it should read this!!) . . .
My mom and dad, my stepmom, my grandmothers, Mills Women--you know who you are, George Harrison, Barbara Lee, MLKJ, Mother Theresa, refer to the "I'd Like to Meet" section . . .